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Scotland (164)
Mar 15 2013 11:26am
David Grimason speaks out on the Arms Trade - Part two
In Part Two of our blog (see Part One), campaigner David Grimason tell...
Mar 13 2013 5:12pm
David Grimason speaks out on the Arms Trade
The UN process to establish an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) began in 2007 a...
Mar 8 2013 3:45pm
Why do we need International Women's Day in Scotland?
Do we really need a day to support women and give special attention to...
Mar 5 2013 8:03pm
A Righteous Gathering
Human Rights took centre stage last week at the Scottish Council for V...
Feb 22 2013 10:44am
The Scottish Parliament talks Human Rights
Earlier this month, MSP Roseanna Cunningham (SNP) sponsored a human ri...
Feb 20 2013 6:53pm
Why Activism Is Not A Solitary Vocation (And Can Be Quite A Laugh)
By Martin, Glasgow University Amnesty Student Group There are days wh...
Feb 20 2013 12:12pm
Glasgow's Secret Policeman's Ball a roaring success yet again
Glasgow University's Secret Policeman's Ball 2013 was a tremendous suc...
Feb 18 2013 4:08pm
Scottish Gypsy Travellers at the Scottish Students’ Conference 2013
Last week Amnesty student reps from across Scotland gathered in Glasgo...
Dec 7 2012 5:14pm
Student Human Rights Reporter Award hopefuls, begin the holidays with a message for Human Rights Day
With the holidays nearly here, there’s no time like the present to sta...
Dec 5 2012 4:11pm
What I learned at the Amnesty Scotland Human Rights Festival
This post by Sarah Stewart originally appeared on her Service Writing ...