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Amnesty International UK
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Sep 8 2008 4:15pm
Civilians bombed, kids detained, abuses in China: Happy Monday
The Times carries a piece today, with some harrowing footage, about an...
Aug 26 2008 3:28pm
I see one swimmer, seven arrows and no human rights reforms
I spotted Michael Phelps, eight-time gold-medallist in Beijing, while ...
Aug 24 2008 12:00am
Olympics: China and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) must learn from mistakes and uphold human rights values
As the Beijing Olympics drew to a close, Amnesty International today (...
Aug 12 2008 6:25pm
Whats happening in China, then?
The Games seem to be going pretty well in Beijing, overshadowed of cou...
Aug 8 2008 1:33pm
Let the Games commence
After years of waiting (and campaigning) it all kicks off in China in ...
Jul 29 2008 2:15pm
Chinas broken Olympic promises
Today marks the start of the ten-day countdown to the Olympic Games in...
Jul 24 2008 3:54pm
Beijing: Protests parked
The Chinese authorities announced yesterday that Beijing will set up s...
Jun 30 2008 4:58pm
New China viral and appeal for detained cyber-dissident
We released the second of our viral animations on the China Olympics t...
Jun 19 2008 5:54pm
Good Souls of Sichuan, poor souls of Lhasa
I saw a fantastic play last night at the Young Vic, 'The Good Soul of ...
Apr 16 2008 11:55pm
China needs drastic action to avoid losing face
China needs to take drastic steps to improve its image in the eyes of ...