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Torture (718)
Dec 10 2019 11:31am
Second update: Young men appealing deplorable sentence
Yan Sidorov, Vladislav Mordasov and Viacheslav Shashmin were convicted...
Dec 9 2019 12:32pm
Algeria: fresh wave of arrests ahead of presidential elections
Millions have demonstrated against this week’s elections  At least ...
Dec 5 2019 5:04pm
Women activists face prison sentences
11 Saudi women activists on trial before the Criminal Court in Riyadh ...
Nov 29 2019 1:03pm
Lebanon: protesters tortured in military detention - new testimonies
Protesters describe being dragged from the street, set upon by stick-w...
Nov 28 2019 4:14pm
Pakistan: Disappeared human rights defender at risk of torture
Muhammad Idris Khattak, a Pakistani human rights defender and independ...
Nov 25 2019 12:28pm
Referendum called and state of emergency ended
On 15 November President Sebastián Piñera announced an agreement to ho...
Nov 22 2019 12:51pm
Egypt's appointment to UN counter-terrorism role is 'catastrophic'
‘The threat this poses can be seen simply by looking at Egypt’s horren...
Nov 21 2019 12:22pm
Northern Ireland: 'Hooded Men' investigation can proceed after police appeal bid rejected
Belfast Court of Appeal dismisses attempt from PSNI to appeal the long...
Nov 20 2019 3:49pm
China: UK consulate worker's allegations fit documented pattern of torture
Simon Cheng’s testimony ‘is in line with the endemic torture and other...
Nov 19 2019 5:24pm
Iran: more than 100 protesters killed in petrol price demonstrations
Government snipers shooting from rooftops and in at least one case fro...