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Ukraine (184)
Apr 8 2015 6:07pm
Ukraine: New evidence of pro-Russian killings of captured soldiers must be investigated
Shocking new evidence of execution-style killings by pro-Russian armed...
Mar 18 2015 11:43am
Crimea: One year on from annexation, critics attacked and silenced - New report
The authorities in Crimea have failed to investigate a series of abduc...
Jan 22 2015 3:30pm
Ukraine: deadly attack on Donetsk trolleybus shows 'callous disregard' for civilians
Reports of pro-Kiev prisoners being paraded before locals at site o...
Jan 13 2015 6:41pm
Ukraine: investigate deadly artillery strike on civilian bus
‘The world needs to know the truth about this tragic incident’ - De...
Dec 23 2014 4:30pm
Eastern Ukraine: humanitarian disaster looms as food aid blocked by pro-Kiev battalions
‘Using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is a war crim...
Nov 5 2014 6:42pm
Ukraine: Investigate deaths of children killed in shelling while playing football
The deaths of two children killed by shelling while they played footba...
Nov 3 2014 1:27pm
Ukraine: falling from a trolleybus is not a war crime. Or is it?
'It’s not Europe. It’s a bit different… it’s a war here'. This is what...
Oct 20 2014 12:21pm
Ukraine crisis: Killings by both sides but not on scale reported by Russian media
An Amnesty International investigation into allegations of execution-s...
Oct 1 2014 6:45pm
Ukraine: both sides must cease firing in residential areas after Donetsk deaths
Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels both using notorious imprec...
Sep 8 2014 12:18pm
Ukraine: Mounting evidence of war crimes
The Kremlin has repeatedly denied any involvement in the fighting in U...