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Amnesty International UK
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United Kingdom (7963)
Jun 16 2012 4:55pm
Exciting News on Burma
You will know that Aung San Suu Kyi is is Europe at the moment. Wha...
Jun 16 2012 4:44pm
How Can the World Witness Such Brutality and Do Nothing?
How can we witness such brutality and do nothing?   “From where he w...
Jun 16 2012 9:21am
Join us to drink tea and raise money for human rights: 36 Orchard ...
Jun 15 2012 6:54pm
How the Syrian Government could prove us wrong.
It’s the day after the launch of our new report on Syria and as with m...
Jun 15 2012 12:00am
Obituary: Lord Archer of Sandwell
Amnesty International paid tribute today to Labour politician and barr...
Jun 14 2012 6:35pm
Stratford celebrates refugee artists
Members of Stratford group celebrated the work of refugee artists duri...
Jun 14 2012 1:14pm
Oxford City Amnesty Stall at Oxford Pride 2012
This Saturday 16th June we'll have our usual stall at the annual Oxfor...
Jun 13 2012 8:58pm
Amnesty's MENA Campaign - A short introduction
I figure before I do any “proper” blog posts I should say a little abo...
Jun 12 2012 11:12pm
Refugees and the Arms Trade: Running Away from the Problem (Amnesty International Refugee Week Panel Discussion - free event)
Glasgow West Amnesty and Amnesty Scotland invite you to a panel d...
Jun 12 2012 10:53pm
Refugig – gig for Refugee Week, Thurs 21 June
Please support our Refugee Week charity gig! Acts include: Ro...