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Amnesty International UK
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United Kingdom (7890)
Aug 17 2016 4:51pm
Syria: 10 die each day in government jails - details of 'systematic torture' revealed
One male detainee forced by guard to rape his fellow prisoner or face ...
Aug 17 2016 2:06pm
Trafigura unrepentant ten years after 'one of worst environmental disasters in 21st century'
Amnesty calls for new UK law to criminally prosecute UK-based c...
Aug 15 2016 2:53pm
Asylum claims: This is not about an abuse of the system, it's about unfair rules
In response to media reports that more than a third of asylum applicat...
Aug 15 2016 1:30pm
The long crossing to Hungary: refugees between borders and barbed wire
Written by Todor Gardos and Alice Wyss, Europe researchers at Amnesty ...
Aug 12 2016 3:00pm
Russia and USA should arrange immediate evacuation of ten-year-old girl shot by sniper
Ghina Ahmad Wadi trapped in besieged town of Madaya and in excrucia...
Aug 10 2016 2:15pm
Running or swimming for your life
I don’t know about you sports fans/political geeks but the Olympics an...
Aug 9 2016 2:00pm
Chelsea Manning faces new charges for attempting suicide
By Justin Mazzola, Attorney and researcher at Amnesty USA The news ...
Aug 8 2016 9:50pm
Forthcoming Events for R&T Amnesty
As usual, we will have no R&T Amnesty meeting during August. Our next...
Aug 8 2016 4:16pm
Ethiopia: Scores of people killed as police use excessive force against peaceful protesters
At least 67 people were killed and hundreds more injured when Ethio...
Aug 8 2016 2:56pm
Pakistan: Attack on Quetta hospital ‘abhorrent disregard for the sanctity of life’
An apparently pre-planned suicide attack, which killed at least 63 peo...