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Amnesty International UK
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United States (469)
Apr 25 2019 1:00pm
Syria: US-led Coalition's bombardment of Raqqa killed more than 1,600 civilians - new findings
Joint investigation between Amnesty and Airwars is most comprehens...
Apr 12 2019 6:00pm
USA: ban on trans people in military is 'shameful step backward'
Discriminatory measure comes into force today  In response to Presi...
Apr 12 2019 2:59pm
Afghanistan: ICC refusal to authorise investigation 'a shocking abandonment of victims'
The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) decision not to authorise an ...
Apr 12 2019 1:22pm
USA: asylum pushbacks into Mexico are 'illegal'
Amnesty experts observed 28 asylum cases in San Diego earlier this wee...
Apr 11 2019 5:39pm
Julian Assange should not be extradited to USA
If Sweden pursues extradition over rape allegation, there should be as...
Apr 5 2019 6:02pm
USA makes first admission over civilian deaths in airstrikes in Somalia
US had previously denied there had been any civilians deaths after 100...
Apr 1 2019 12:21pm
Urgent Action bad news: Executions not resumed after prisoner found dead
The State of Nevada was set to carry out its first execution in over 1...
Mar 20 2019 12:00am
US airstrikes in Somalia have killed civilians despite official denials - new report
Forensic investigation produces evidence 14 civilians were killed in j...
Mar 15 2019 5:09pm
USA: Trump administration's blocking of International Criminal Court condemned
Restricting visas for investigators working on Afghanistan cases shows...
Feb 6 2019 12:00am
UAE arming militias in Yemen with weapons from Western countries - new investigation
Militias with atrocious human rights records seen wielding weaponry fr...