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Amnesty International UK
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United States (469)
Jun 18 2018 6:52pm
USA: immigration policy of separating children from parents is 'spectacularly cruel'
‘The US government is playing a sick game with these families’ lives...
Jun 5 2018 1:00am
Syria: US-led Coalition's aerial attacks in Raqqa killed hundreds of civilians - new report
First-hand investigations in the destroyed city reveal extent of civil...
May 18 2018 5:42pm
USA: Texas school shooting - 'policymakers must take action'
‘We demand reform of federal, state and local laws to ensure everyone’...
May 16 2018 5:07pm
USA: Gina Haspel's nomination for CIA job is 'affront to human rights'
‘This country has not held any officials accountable for the use of to...
May 9 2018 6:36pm
USA: Senate committee should vote against Gina Haspel's appointment as CIA director
Alleged role in CIA torture and ‘black site’ detention programme shoul...