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Amnesty International UK
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United States (469)
Sep 24 2008 12:18am
Stay of execution!
Great news – at least, for now – fresh off the wires from Amnesty USA ...
Aug 28 2008 5:11pm
I have a dream (45 years on, still unfulfilled)
Today is the 45th anniversary of the Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have...
Jul 16 2008 5:35pm
We've signed up to Blogcatalog
I signed up to Blogcatalog today, to try to get more people to see us....
Mar 10 2008 1:49pm
A stain that water will not wash off
Waterboarding and other “enhanced” interrogation techniques have been ...
Feb 15 2008 1:06pm
A higher authority?
After the flare-up over Sharia law in the UK, the Church of Englands b...
Jan 14 2008 1:01pm
Slippery with waterboarding?
The waterboarding row rumbles on. Theres a lot of coverage of remarks ...
Jan 10 2008 5:25pm
Blog by Bibi - free at last
The papers have been full of news of Kenny Richeys return to the UK.  ...
Jan 9 2008 12:18pm
Tales of the unexpected
The news is full of surprises today. Hillary beats Obama to second pla...
Jan 7 2008 9:23pm
A victory, of sorts, for justice
Well done and thank you to all Amnesty's members and supporters locall...
Jan 7 2008 1:30pm
Back from the dead
Kenny Richey, the Scottish man who was on death row for nearly 21 year...