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Amnesty International UK
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War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity (362)
Jul 27 2016 4:40pm
Senior role for Indonesian general implicated in East Timor crimes shows 'contempt for human rights'
General Wiranto appointed country’s top security official despite i...
Jul 7 2016 10:07am
Time for justice in Israel and Gaza
It has been two years since Israel’s 50-day military offensive in Gaza...
Jul 7 2016 1:00am
Two years on from 50-day Gaza conflict still no justice for victims
‘I cannot understand how a crime … where the whole world saw how bo...
Jul 6 2016 12:31pm
Chilcot report: 'tragedy' that human rights assessments not properly made
‘It’s a tragedy that politicians and their advisers failed to prope...
Jul 5 2016 11:19am
Syria: armed groups in Aleppo and Idlib have carried out abductions, torture and killings - new report
Parallel ‘justice systems’ with police, detention centres and judge...
Jun 29 2016 4:00pm
Saudi Arabia should be suspended from UN's Human Rights Council
Amnesty and Human Rights Watch call for move in light of carnage in...
May 26 2016 12:55pm
The Syrian Institute for Justice – Communicating Hope in Lawless Times
Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan It’s 9am, and in a small corner of a ...
May 13 2016 1:00am
Syria: armed opposition group committing war crimes in Aleppo - new evidence
The Aleppo Conquest armed groups may have used chemical weapons, as...
May 4 2016 1:40pm
UN Security Council should impose sanctions after hospital attacks in Aleppo
‘Nothing can justify deliberate attacks on hospitals carrying out t...
Apr 19 2016 1:00am
Syria: new video shows 'shocking' reality of barrel bombing in besieged city of Daraya
‘This video shows in shocking close-up detail what civilians in Dar...