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War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity (362)
Nov 3 2014 1:27pm
Ukraine: falling from a trolleybus is not a war crime. Or is it?
'It’s not Europe. It’s a bit different… it’s a war here'. This is what...
Oct 16 2014 4:22pm
Major Syria conference being held in Manchester - Fri 17 October
‘This conference will show that there are practical actions that ca...
Oct 1 2014 6:45pm
Ukraine: both sides must cease firing in residential areas after Donetsk deaths
Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels both using notorious imprec...
Sep 15 2014 12:50pm
Central African Republic: Huge gap between troops promised and troops deployed a major concern
'The gap between the number of peacekeepers promised and the number...
Sep 10 2014 5:23pm
US air strikes against ISIS in Syria & arming opposition groups. Some questions
US-led strikes against ISIS positions inside Syria and the arming of a...
Sep 5 2014 7:20pm
New Radio Clip Promoting International Aid Access in Syria
I recently wrote about the importance of ensuring greater grassroots b...
Sep 1 2014 11:20pm
Increasing aid access into Syria – building confidence, cooperation & security
“A step change in access is still required that will make a meaning...
Sep 1 2014 3:45pm
Israel must scrap 'outrageous' illegal land grab in the West Bank
The Israeli authorities’ outrageous plan to expropriate nearly 1,000 a...
Aug 22 2014 5:11pm
Fresh call for UK to suspend arms to Israel after resumption of hostilities
‘Ministers should stop re-writing their own rules and remember ...
Aug 14 2014 12:02pm
'They know who did it and they're not acting': The Gatumba massacre 10 years on
On Saturday I listened while survivors of the Gatumba massacre recount...