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Amnesty International UK
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War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity (362)
Nov 27 2013 12:00pm
Syria: justice or immunity as a step towards transition?
One of the current pre-conditions of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (...
Nov 18 2013 12:00am
World must not abandon Sri Lanka's victims
Now that the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Colombo is ov...
Nov 8 2013 3:33pm
Sri Lanka's human rights: you asked the Foreign Office. Did they answer?
[View the story "Sri Lanka: you asked the FCO. Did they answer?" on...
Nov 7 2013 9:20am
Commonwealth chief (and Queen's University Belfast Chancellor) under fire over Sri Lankan abuses
Kamalesh Sharma, the secretary-general of the Commonwealth - and Cha...
Nov 6 2013 4:46pm
Sri Lanka - the Kings of Spin
There are just some issues that get under your skin. If you watched ...
Oct 28 2013 2:33pm
Peaceful Sounds of Voices in Conflict
Guest blog by Jana Lopusna, campaigns volunteer for Amnesty Scotland. ...
Sep 20 2013 1:00pm
The countries that support referring Syria to the International Criminal Court - and some absent 'friends'
A UN Security Council referral of the miserable situation in Syria to ...
Sep 16 2013 11:55am
The UNSC has a responsibility to protect civilians in Syria - decisive action is needed now
Time is not on the side of the displaced, the disappeared and the t...
Aug 22 2013 7:11pm
No more hand-wringing on Syria
By Cilina Nasser, Amnesty International’s researcher on Syria, this wa...
Aug 8 2013 7:28pm
Some lessons from history have still not been learned
By Fotis Filippou, Amnesty International’s Regional Campaign Coordinat...