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Amnesty International UK
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Women's Rights (583)
Oct 25 2013 2:35pm
Saudi Arabia: Tomorrow's women drivers protest must be allowed to proceed
The Saudi Arabian authorities must respect the right of women to drive...
Oct 25 2013 1:28pm
‘Society’ is no longer an excuse for Saudi Arabia’s ban on women driving
Eman Al Nafjan (@Saudiwoman) is a female blogger from Saudi Arabia who...
Oct 21 2013 9:35am
Saudi Arabia: Promises on human rights 'nothing but hot air'
Saudi Arabia has completely failed to live up to its international pro...
Oct 18 2013 12:16pm
Oct 13 Youth Campaign Briefing: Women's Rights in Afghanistan
We're focusing on women human rights defenders at the frontline of pro...
Oct 9 2013 12:00am
Afghanistan: tomorrow's extension of ISAF mandate must come with human rights pledges
‘Despite the dangers, many qualified women remain ready and willing to...
Sep 27 2013 1:31pm
You wait ages for a release...
....and then two come at once!  We've had some fantastic news on two o...
Sep 20 2013 3:40pm
'Let no one be forgotten' - Malala's speech
By Malala Yousafzai, Amnesty International Ambassador of Conscience 20...
Sep 16 2013 1:25pm
Trend-setting feminists, Liberal Democrat activists - who knew?
In yesterday’s Independent Jane Merrick suggested that you can tell a ...
Sep 13 2013 8:59am
Amnesty groups demand support for Afghan women
At stalls in town centres, at comedy nights and at concerts, you h...
Aug 27 2013 4:20pm
Freedom of Expression Award
This is an extract from Amnesty International Freedom of Expression...