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Indonesia (122)
May 16 2013 6:13pm
Sit or stand against imminent execution in Indonesia: Act now!
Update, 17 May: We've heard that we were unsuccessful in persauding th...
May 16 2013 12:00am
Indonesia: Imminent executions must be stopped
The authorities in Indonesia must immediately halt the execution of th...
Apr 18 2013 12:00am
Indonesia: New report exposes rough justice for Aceh's conflict victims
Tens of thousands of victims and family members are still waiting for ...
Apr 8 2013 12:00am
Indonesia: Intense concern for British woman 'one step closer to firing squad'
·         Execution of drug trafficker last month ended four and a h...
Mar 15 2013 12:00am
Indonesia: First execution in four years prompts fears for Britons on death row
The first execution in Indonesia in more than four years is a shocking...
Jan 16 2013 12:00am
Indonesia: Shi'a villagers told they must convert if they wish to return home
The threatened forced relocation of a Shi'a community living in temp...
Aug 26 2012 4:28pm
Take urgent action for YUSAK PAKAGE
Please take action for our PAPUAN POLITICAL ACTIVIST AT RISK Yusak Pak...
Jun 23 2012 3:56pm
Demo outside Indonesian embassy, calling for Freedom of Expression 29.6.12
9Demonstration outside the Indonesian Embassy, Grosvenor Square, Londo...
Apr 25 2012 12:00am
Indonesia: New report exposes a police force that kills and maims without sanction
Police in Indonesia shoot, beat and kill people without fear of prosec...
Oct 11 2011 12:00am
Indonesia must investigate mine strike killing
The Indonesian authorities must immediately investigate the use of dea...