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Amnesty International UK
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Occupied Palestinian Territories (302)
Feb 6 2019 3:26pm
Urgent Action update: Activist risks charges over forced ‘confession’
On 9 January 2019, Suha Jbara was released after spending over two mon...
Feb 6 2019 12:49pm
Urgent Action: Prominent Bedouin leader imprisoned by Israel
On 25 December 2018, 69-year-old human rights defender Sheikh Sayyah A...
Jan 30 2019 12:00am
Israel/OPT: online tourism giants profiting from illegal settlements - new report
Airbnb, TripAdvisor, Expedia and accused of turning ‘war c...
Dec 21 2018 2:39pm
Urgent Action update: Hunger-striking detainee admitted to hospital
The Palestinian authorities have transferred social justice activist S...
Dec 18 2018 12:14pm
Urgent Action update: Social justice activist detention extended
The Palestinian authorities renewed, for the second time, the detentio...
Nov 30 2018 3:46pm
Amnesty to take Christmas hamper of 'Israeli stolen goods' to Foreign Office
‘All businesses should be following Airbnb's example’ - Andy Slaughter...
Nov 29 2018 12:31pm
Thank you for acting to help ban Israeli settlement goods
Many thanks to the tens of thousands of you who took action to ban...
Nov 29 2018 12:31pm
British firms must end involvement in Israeli settlements
We have partnered up with other organisations to release a joint state...
Nov 12 2018 3:15pm
Urgent Action Update: Lawmaker’s administrative detention renewed
Israel renews, for the third time and without charge or trial, the adm...
Nov 6 2018 3:17pm
Urgent Action good news: Palestinian NGO worker released
On 30 September, Salah Hammouri, French-Palestinian lawyer and NGO wor...