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Amnesty International UK
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Occupied Palestinian Territories (302)
Feb 9 2024 7:13pm
Global: Zionism/Zionist hate speech policy review must not stifle legitimate criticism of Israel’s oppressive policies
‘Meta must ensure that its content policies are neither discriminatory...
Feb 6 2024 7:03pm
Jordan: authorities have arrested hundreds in crackdown on pro-Palestine protests
Surge in arrests to crush Gaza solidarity protests and suppress critic...
Feb 5 2024 6:59am
Israel/OPT: Israel has unleashed wave of unlawful attacks on Palestinians in West Bank - new research
With the world’s attention largely focused on Gaza, Israeli forces hav...
Jan 27 2024 2:11pm
Israel/OPT: UK's 'terrible' decision to halt funding for UN Palestinian refugee agency should be reversed
Responding to an announcement by the UK government that it was “pausin...
Jan 26 2024 12:54pm
Israel/OPT: UK must take prospect of Gaza genocide seriously after top court ruling
Commenting on today’s interim ruling by the International Court of Jus...
Jan 24 2024 12:43pm
Israel/OPT: David Cameron's 'peaceful future' quest will fail without support for justice mechanisms
Foreign Secretary is calling for increase in Gaza aid deliveries rathe...
Jan 24 2024 11:55am
Israel/OPT: 16 humanitarian organisations call for halt to arms transfers to Israel and Palestinian armed groups
Amnesty, Oxfam, Save the Children and others issue bleak warning over ...
Jan 10 2024 6:11pm
Israel/OPT: South Africa's genocide case offers glimmer of hope for justice
Proceedings at International Court of Justice due to open in The Hague...
Jan 9 2024 2:57pm
UK: MPs should oppose 'draconian' anti-boycott bill
Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill - back in C...
Dec 14 2023 3:07pm
Israel/OPT: UK ban on violent settlers is belated recognition of 'apparatus of state-backed repression'
Responding to an announcement from the Foreign Secretary that the UK w...