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Syria (517)
Feb 7 2020 4:40pm
Groundbreaking book on open-source investigation to be launched at expert panel event
A groundbreaking new book on open-source investigation will be launche...
Jan 10 2020 3:47pm
Syria: millions at risk after Russia and China 'callously' block UN aid
Resolution 2165 expires today after Russia and China used veto to prev...
Dec 3 2019 5:03pm
A few busy months and a film night - join us!
It's been a busy few months here in Croydon! Here's all the latest new...
Nov 29 2019 5:04pm
Amnesty's open-source Raqqa investigation wins award
‘Digital Verification Corps’ given prestigious Times Higher Education ...
Nov 29 2019 1:56pm
UK: call for NATO to 'get own house in order' over Syria attacks
Military alliance set to meet amid tight security near Watford next we...
Nov 19 2019 2:18pm
The call that never came: how one Syrian torture survivor is refusing to let injustice crush him
Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan “Make sure my phone is always charg...
Nov 15 2019 3:58pm
Launch of new book of Syrian citizen journalism
First English-language collection of writing from revolutionary newspa...
Oct 30 2019 2:24pm
Never Forget. Never Forgive. Syrians demand Justice
Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan   The torment and lack of closur...
Oct 18 2019 12:59am
Turkish forces commit war crimes in Syria offensive - fresh evidence
Indiscriminate Turkish airstrikes and mortar attacks on residential ar...
Oct 17 2019 3:49pm
Urgent Action: Unlawful deportation of Syrians must stop
Why are refugees unsafe in Turkey?  Amnesty International and other...