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Amnesty International UK
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War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity (366)
May 17 2021 8:28pm
Israeli attacks on homes in Gaza must be investigated as war crimes
Bombardments following ‘horrific’ pattern of 2014, when Israeli milita...
May 13 2021 10:59am
Israel/Gaza: likely war crimes by Israeli military and Palestinian armed groups
Israeli attacks on residential towers in Gaza are collective punishmen...
Apr 29 2021 4:52pm
UK: Dropping 'licence to torture' proposals must signal end of attack on human rights
Overseas Operations Bill receives Royal Assent after Government climbd...
Apr 14 2021 6:37pm
Ethiopia: Eritrean troops kills more civilians in Tigray - eyewitness evidence
Eritrean forces opened fire on civilians in town of Adwa, killing thre...
Mar 16 2021 10:51am
AIUK Submission to the Independent Human Rights Act Review (IHRAR)
In December 2020 the UK government launched a review of the UK's Human...
Mar 11 2021 2:05pm
Syria 10 Years On - Assad’s Pyrrhic Victory
By Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan It is not uncommon to hear comm...
Mar 6 2021 5:59pm
Friends & Families of Syria’s Disappeared Develop a Roadmap for Justice
Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan In the autumn of 2019, Syrian survi...
Feb 24 2021 12:43pm
Conviction of former Syrian official in Germany for crimes against humanity 'historic victory for justice'
‘We call on more states to follow Germany’s example by investigating a...
Feb 5 2021 8:59pm
Israel/OPT: historic ICC ruling brings new hope to victims of crimes under international law
Ruling opens way for an investigation into crimes committed in the OPT...
Feb 4 2021 12:50pm
Uganda: Ongwen's war crimes conviction by ICC represents long overdue justice
Lord’s Resistance Army rebel group commander Dominic Ongwen today conv...