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Amnesty International UK
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Racism (119)
Oct 7 2020 2:13pm
Greece: Golden Dawn verdicts send 'clear message' on racism and hate speech
Convictions for leaders and former MPs from anti-immigrant party welco...
Sep 16 2020 11:40am
USA: police brutality - online panel discussion
Amnesty International will hold an online panel discussion on police b...
Sep 8 2020 12:14pm
Back to School Resources to help teachers and home educators wanting to explore Human Rights Education
We have put together a selection of resources produced by us and other...
Aug 4 2020 10:59am
125 incidents of police violence during Black Lives Matter protests - new report
Most comprehensive report into protests yet, records 89 cases of tear ...
Jul 31 2020 11:17am
Unapologetically fabulous: fighting to thrive during a global crisis
Amnesty International Belfast Pride Lecture 2020, delivered online Jul...
Jun 12 2020 12:16pm
UK: Fresh Windrush scandal investigation welcomed as 'scale of injustice demands a full reckoning'
Equality and Human Rights Commission will be launching a new investiga...
Jun 6 2020 4:41pm
Northern Ireland: Fines imposed on peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors ‘deeply worrying’
Responding to reports of fines being imposed on many peaceful protesto...
Jun 5 2020 10:05am
Australia: Black Lives Matter protest must be allowed to take place
Responding to attempts by Australian police to ban Black Lives Matter ...
Jun 1 2020 4:11pm
USA protests: UK should review exports of security equipment to US police forces
Warning over ‘excessive’ militarised police response to Black Lives Ma...
Jul 29 2019 2:52pm
Urgent Action update: Roma still homeless after forced eviction
Around 500 Roma people, including around 150 children, pregnant women ...