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Amnesty International UK
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Learn about Human Rights (114)
May 11 2020 11:13am
Self Portrait - Bite Size Activity
Human rights belong to everybody. Celebrate what makes you unique w...
May 7 2020 2:21pm
What about the children?
By Les Walton CBE Chair of the Association of Education Advisers AoEA...
May 1 2020 11:26am
Helping Hands - Bite Size Activity
Human rights belong to everybody Make a helping hands mural to show...
May 1 2020 10:17am
Story Explorer - Bite Size Activity
We all have the right to have opinions and to express ourselves. Ea...
May 1 2020 10:16am
Colour Your Freedoms - Bite Size Activity
Human rights belong to all of us Colour the freedoms that belong to...
May 1 2020 9:35am
Discovering a New Planet - Bite Size Activity
Human rights belong to all of us. Write human rights laws for a new...
Apr 28 2020 9:46am
Here We Are - Bite Size Activity
We have the right to friends and family. Bring together pictures of...
Apr 28 2020 9:45am
Feelings Bean Bag - Bite Size Activity
​We all have the right to have our own thoughts and ideas and to share...
Apr 28 2020 9:42am
Feeling Faces - Bite Size Activity
We all have the right to have our own thoughts and ideas and to share ...
Apr 28 2020 9:42am
Human Rights Detective - Bite Size Activity
We are all born free and human rights belong to all of us. Be a hum...