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Amnesty International UK
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Censorship and Freedom of Expression (1481)
Sep 3 2013 8:42am
Know your rights: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in cartoons
Illustrating our human rights with cartoons, some of them very funny i...
Sep 2 2013 2:27pm
Silenced Iranian blogger on hunger strike
Update 5 September: Hossein has ended his hunger strike due to conc...
Aug 31 2013 12:33pm
Sept 13 Youth Campaign Briefing: Where is Prageeth?
Has this Sri Lankan journalist and cartoonist been abducted for critic...
Aug 27 2013 4:20pm
Freedom of Expression Award
This is an extract from Amnesty International Freedom of Expression...
Aug 21 2013 6:47pm
The David Miranda and Guardian rows: What to read
Storify by Amnesty UKWed, Aug 21 2013 10:44:4600The David Miranda &...
Aug 14 2013 3:08pm
Blogger and photographer tortured, lawyer held for tweeting about it
In a further attack on free speech, the Bahrain authorities have detai...
Aug 8 2013 10:09am
Express Yourself – a choir with a difference sings about things that get under our skin
In the midst of the freedom of expression explosion that is Edinburgh’...
Jul 30 2013 11:56am
What is freedom of speech?
Freedom of speech is the right to say whatever you like about whatever...
Jul 24 2013 12:37pm
Free speech
Jul 24 2013 11:38am
Balham Comedy Festival 2013
We were at the Balham Comedy Festival interviewing some of the comedia...