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Amnesty International UK
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Censorship and Freedom of Expression (1481)
Sep 20 2009 11:49pm
Reporting on the environment can be dangerous
Environment reporters face danger writes Roy Greenslade on his blog on...
Sep 16 2009 2:20pm
Amnesty magazine:  Noam Chomsky and Wangari Maathai
I have been reading the latest issue of Amnesty magazine.  I was pleas...
Sep 6 2009 11:25am
RIP Abeer Qassim Al-Janabi (2006), David Kelly (2003) and 100,000 others
I am pleased that Canadian playwright, Judith Thompson, won the 2009 A...
Sep 2 2009 4:07pm
Sri Lanka - where journalism can get you 20 years
Earlier today Amnesty supporters attended a vigil in London’s Parliame...
Aug 14 2009 9:53am
Cause for celebration:  Hicham Yezza is free
Some good news:  I’ve just heard that Hicham Yezza has been freed from...
Jul 22 2009 5:11am
Not so free on Freedom Day
Today isFreedom Day in Gambia,but for many Gambians, the irony of this...
May 26 2009 1:32pm
Iranian authorities ban Facebook
Iranian authorities ban Facebook, fearing Obama-style online election ...
Apr 21 2009 3:57pm
Big Brother stalks newsrooms in Fiji
I’ve had a soft spot for Fiji ever since my dad took me to see my firs...
Mar 10 2009 12:04pm
50th anniversary of the uprising in Tibet
Today is the 50th anniversary of the Lhasa uprising in 1959 when the D...
Feb 25 2009 9:34am
All hail the Daily Mail!
No, I'm not turning into Northern Ireland's answer to the Pub Landlord...