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Amnesty International UK
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Censorship and Freedom of Expression (1480)
Apr 22 2021 5:05pm
Algeria: Islamic scholar given three-year jail term for 'offending Islam'
Said Djabelkheir sentenced for three posts on Facebook questioning aut...
Apr 22 2021 11:54am
Russia: mass arrests of Navalny supporters shows depth of human rights crisis
Nearly 1,800 arrests yesterday on top of 11,000 earlier this year N...
Apr 19 2021 5:20pm
Russia: Navalny's hospital transfer could mean further punishment
Opposition leader transferred to prison hospital where he is at risk o...
Apr 14 2021 5:14pm
Russia: raid at student magazine a 'new low' in press freedom crackdown
Office of online publication DOXA raided, with four journalists facing...
Apr 6 2021 12:04pm
Urgent Action Outcome: Journalist found innocent by jury
On the night of 31 May 2020, police in the city of Des Moines, Iowa, p...
Apr 1 2021 11:08am
Vietnam: Fresh crackdown as National Assembly election looms
Two independent candidates arrested and charged Intimidation and ha...
Mar 25 2021 2:44pm
USA: Google, Facebook and Twitter 'have failed' over disinformation and hate speech
Scrutiny from US Congress today comes after tech giants widely accused...
Mar 24 2021 3:26pm
Belarus: call on diplomats to live-stream 'Freedom Day' protests
Authorities have threatened to ‘deal with’ tomorrow’s mass protests in...
Mar 19 2021 8:44am
Northern Ireland: Amnesty raises questions for PSNI Chief Constable ahead of Assembly meeting on press freedom
“No-one ever seems to be arrested and prosecuted for these threats. Th...
Mar 17 2021 6:33pm
Egypt: jailing of activist Sanaa Seif 'another crushing blow' for human rights
Film editor jailed for ‘false news’ and insulting a police officer ...