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Amnesty International UK
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Censorship and Freedom of Expression (1481)
Aug 15 2019 9:32pm
Israel: barring of US Congress members is suppression of legitimate criticism
Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib have supported a boycott campaign in prot...
Aug 15 2019 5:04pm
Urgent Action update: Labour activists held in secret detention
Wei Zhili and Ke Chengbing, both editors of labour rights news and adv...
Aug 15 2019 11:55am
Urgent Action update: Jailed cancer patient tortured in prison
Critically ill prisoner of conscience and human right defender Arash S...
Aug 14 2019 1:00am
Egypt: Rabaa massacre still haunting country - new briefing
On sixth anniversary of the killings, Amnesty publishes list of five c...
Aug 9 2019 4:47pm
Urgent Action update: Human rights defender sentenced to 12 years
Huang Qi, founder and director of Sichuan-based human rights website “...
Aug 9 2019 12:35pm
Urgent Action update: Hunger-striking labour rights activist at risk
Labour rights activist Sepideh Gholian has been on hunger strike since...
Aug 9 2019 12:02pm
Urgent Action: Grassroots women activist held incommunicado
Chen Jianfang, a devoted grassroots human rights defender has been hel...
Aug 9 2019 11:21am
Urgent Action update: Palestinian journalist still arbitrarily held
During the night of 21/22 July 2019, Israeli authorities attempted a w...
Aug 8 2019 4:04pm
Urgent Action: Writer faces up to 10 years jail for story
Shakthika Sathkumara, an award-winning Sri Lankan writer, was arrested...
Aug 8 2019 2:52pm
Urgent Action update: A decade in jail for defying forced veiling
Two Iranian women’s rights defenders, Yasaman Aryani and Monireh Arabs...