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Amnesty International UK
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Children's Rights (220)
Jul 29 2022 5:28pm
Children's Rights Chatterbox
Order this free piece of origami to help young people explore chil...
May 26 2022 3:08pm
UK: Home Office introduce citizenship fee waiver after 'years of raking in millions of pounds'
Home Office will stop profiting from those who cannot afford the child...
May 24 2022 1:42pm
UK: Strip search case 'another manifestation of institutional racism and misogyny' in policing
In response to the police strip searching a child, Ilyas Nagdee, Amnes...
Apr 13 2022 2:44pm
Nigeria: Eight years after Chibok more than 1,500 children abducted by armed groups
Of the 276 abducted Chibok children, 16 were killed and 109 remain una...
Feb 8 2022 5:44pm
Syria: fatal shooting of child in al-Hol camp must be fully investigated
It remains unclear why Syrian Kurdish Autonomous Administration police...
Jan 26 2022 4:32pm
Refugee Children Granted Regular Status
On 17 December 2021, Peruvian authorities informed Amnesty Internation...
Dec 1 2021 3:01am
Paraguay: Draconian abortion laws and failure to tackle child sex abuse forces girls as young as ten to carry out pregnancies - new report
Paraguay continues to have some of the most restrictive abortion laws ...
Oct 5 2021 11:47am
Northern Ireland: ‘Landmark day’ for victims as panel recommends inquiry into mother and baby institutions
Amnesty International has welcomed recommendations to the Northern Ire...
Sep 13 2021 5:48am
Niger: Children killed or forcibly recruited by armed Islamist groups in devastating conflict - New Report
Conflict raging at Niger’s borders with Mali and Burkina Faso Maske...
Aug 4 2021 6:27pm
Iran: man originally arrested aged 15 secretly executed
Sajad Sanjari, 26, was hanged at dawn on Monday with his family only i...