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Amnesty International UK
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Egypt (438)
Apr 19 2016 1:09pm
Giulio Regeni: rally for tortured student in Cambridge on Friday
Amnesty International is staging a rally and photo-call in Cambridg...
Mar 23 2016 5:54pm
Free Mahmoud Hussein, arrested in Egypt for his t-shirt
Good news! Mahmoud released A huge thank you to everyone that took...
Mar 23 2016 4:39pm
Egypt: NGOs 'being treated like an enemy of the state', say 14 leading NGOs
Crackdown includes jails sentences, forced closures, travel bans, a...
Feb 18 2016 12:56pm
Peter Greste
'I thought it was a mistake – we’d done nothing wrong… I thought it’...
Feb 17 2016 6:31pm
Egypt: attempt to close torture rehabilitation centre condemned
‘The El Nadeem Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence pro...
Feb 4 2016 11:45am
The journalists facing prison in Egypt
Egyptian photojournalist Mahmoud Abu Zeid, known as 'Shawkan', is faci...
Jan 28 2016 11:42am
Egypt: two-year prison sentence for poet and four other activists
‘Ahmed Said and the other activists should never have been on trial...