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Activists released under judicial supervision

Activists in Conakry, Guinea
days left to take action

On 7 March, Ibrahima Diallo, operation coordinator of FNDC was in his house with his wife Asmaou Barry and
activist Sékou Koundono when about 20 agents of the Research and Investigation Brigade (BRI in French)
entered in the house without warrant.

According to Ibrahima’s wife, two BRI officers scaled the wall to open the gate. They broke the gate and then the
second door to enter in the house.

FNDC is a coalition of non-governmental groups and opposition parties that boycotted the consultation process
which started national demonstrations against the potential revision of the constitution in October 2019. Since
FNDC announced the first protests, many protestors and bystanders were killed during demonstrations. Leaders
of pro-democracy movements and scores of protestors have been arrested and sentenced. On 22 October 2019,
the Tribunal of Dixinn found Abdourahamane Sano, Alpha Soumah (alias Bill de Sam), Ibrahima Diallo, Bailo
Barry and Sékou Koundouno guilty of “direct incitement to an unarmed gathering”. Sano was sentenced to a year
in prison and the others to six months. They were released on bail on 28 November 2019 pending their appeal.

The day before their arrest, FNDC had organized a press conference at the Conakry press house to respond to
the accusations brought against them by the director of the Central Direction of the Judicial Police (DPJ in
French). During the press conference they accused Commissioner Fabou Camara, director of the Central
Direction of the Judicial Police (DPJ in French) of phone tapping, torture and other ill treatment.

During a press conference on 5 March 2020,Commissioner Fabou Camara, director of the Central Direction of
the Judicial Police (DPJ in French) had established a link between the burning of a tank in Tombolia
neighbourhood on the night of February 26-27 with FNDC activities. The Commissioner explained how, through
infiltrations, wiretapping, the police services under his leadership, he came to the conclusion that the fire was one
of many acts of violence decided during a planning meeting at which "Other FNDC members participated".

After being postponed, Guinea will hold legislative elections and a constitutional referendum on March 22.

Amnesty International has documented several arbitrary arrests and detentions of opponents of the referendum.

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