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Amnesty International UK
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What is Rise Up?

Rise Up

Rise Up is our free campaign training programme for 16-24yr olds who want to lead creating change on the issues that matter most to them.

We believe that everyone’s got the right to shape society no matter where you’re from or what you do. But often it’s hard to know where to start. So we’re going back to basics offering a free training programme that will help build skills, knowledge and power to bring about the change you want to see.

You’ll meet people from all walks of life who also want to fight for social change hear from inspirational speakers, technical experts and build your very own action plan to make positive change in your local community and beyond.

Applications for Rise Up 2024 go live 17th May. The deadline for applying is 30th June.


The programme will last from August 2024 - December 2024. You will need to be available on the following dates to join for in-person weekend trainings:

  • 31st August &1st September
  • 21st & 22nd September
  • 2nd & 3rd November
  • 14th & 15th December

Deadline for applications is June 30th 2024.


This year our in-person weekends will take place in Bristol.

The programme will be a combination of both online sessions and in-person weekends. In addition to meeting in person once a month, we will also hold monthly online meet ups from September – December 2024. 


All selected Rise Up participants will have their travel, accommodation and meal costs covered for the weekend.

The venue will be fully wheelchair accessible. There will be gender neutral facilities and dorm rooms. Upon selection for the programme, you will be given the opportunity to share any specific accessibility requirements so that we can accommodate your needs.


We are one of the world’s largest human rights organisations – experts in campaigning for equality and justice wherever it has been denied. We work with people across the world who are delivering positive change in some of the most difficult places. We want to share this experience so together, we can Rise Up.