Campaigning for human rights in the age of the internet
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Avaaz have a petition to urge world leaders to freeze Mubarak's fortune . All that money could be very useful to the Egyptian people, many of them living in poverty. Avaaz hopes that half a million people will have signed by Friday...
Stop the global land grab writes Gisele Henriques in Comment is Free. She refers to the World Social Forum, held very recently in Dakar, Senegal .
The UK government plans to relax the requirements for criminal records checks, unless people are working closely with children or vulnerable adults (such as those having learning disabilities). There is talk of saving money and of...
President Obama backs the protests against the Egyptian government. Simon Tisdall in the Guardian says that in doing so Obama challenges other Arab leaders not only Hosni Mubarak. International Aid's dirty secret , according to the...
The final version of a documentary film about the jailed Russian oligarch, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, has been stolen days before its planned premiere in Berlin. Update, 14 Feb. 2011: . The verdict in the case of Khordorkovsky was handed...
John Vidal says in his Environment Blog for the Guardian that the widely circulated recent photos of an uncontacted Amazonian tribe have at last led to the Peruvian government taking action. Survival International campaigns for tribal...
Human Rights Watch has recently issued a report, Work on Him Until He Confesses , about impunity for torture in Egypt. Human Rights Watch also reports on a violent response to protests in Sudan . Avaaz has a petition inviting you to...