Countdown for China
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(Chinese Human RightsDefenders, February 25, 2011)Only a few days after police began targeting humanrights defenders across thecountry in response to anonymous calls for “JasmineRevolution” protests, signsare emerging to indicate that...
Highlights Police Detain at Least Six in Response to “Jasmine Revolution” Call: After anonymous calls for protests in support of pro-democracy movements in the Middle East and protection for human rights appeared online in the past...
(Chinese Human RightsDefenders, February 21, 2010) – After anonymouscalls for protests in support of pro-democracymovements in the Middle East andprotection for human rights appeared online in thepast week, Chinese officialsresponded...
Amnesty International today urged the Chinese authorities to stop detaining and harassing more than 100 activists targeted in an apparent attempt to block anti-government demonstrations inspired by protests across the Middle East. More...
(Chinese Human RightsDefenders- February 18, 2011)More than two days after police officers forced openthe door to his Beijinghome and dragged him away, human rights lawyer TangJitian (唐吉田) remains missing.Though officials have stated...
Highlights After Video Detailing House Arrest is Released, Police Beat Chen Guangcheng and Wife: CHRD learned this week that human rights defender Chen Guangcheng (陈光诚) and his wife Yuan Weijing (袁伟静) were beaten by police after a...
ArbitraryDetention OnEve of New Year, Hubei Activist Yao LifaKidnapped, Held in Jiangxi Province Hubei-based humanrights defender Yao Lifa (姚立法)was kidnapped and held for three days, first in Wuhanand later in a hotel inNanchang City...
February 5 marks the 14thanniversary of a violent crackdown on peaceful Uighur protesters by securityforces in the city of Gulja (In Chinese: Yining), in the Xinjiang UighurAutonomous Region (XUAR) in China’s far-West. On 5 February...
Highlights Chang Ping Removed from Southern Media Group: Outspoken media figure Chang Ping has been asked to leave the Southern Media Group, CHRD learned this week. Chang, a columnist who frequently wrote about social problems...