Countdown for China
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Today is the 75th anniversary of founding the Party Empire (党天下) by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Today is not a day of celebration, but a day of remembrance for the dead, a day of remembrance of the CCP-made disasters(中共制造的人祸)...
London activists will gather at Chinese Embassy to mark Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75 , in solidarity with Hong Kongers, Uyghurs Tibetans and all the oppressed under the CCP rule . 倫敦活動人士將從外交部遊行到中國大使館外紀念《世界人權宣言》 75 週 年...
The Story of Wang Chao, a Victim of the Tiananmen Massacre , 天安門屠殺死難者王超的故事: Mung Siu-tat's speech: Projection on the building opposite the Chinese Embassy 中使館對面建築的投影: https:/...
倫敦將舉行燭光集會,紀念八九民運34週年,緬懷六四死難者。 倫敦六四燭光集會 地點:中國大使館對面 時間:2023年6月4日晚8至10時 June Fourth London Vigil Chinese Embassy 49 Portland Place London W1B 1JL Sunday 4 June 2023, 8-10pm 白紙亦或白髮,六四都是繞不過的現實。 White paper or white hair, we all have to face...
六四 34 周年:天安门母亲 代表发言稿 34th anniversary of June 4: Speech on behalf of Tiananmen Mothers… 六四 34 周年: 祭文 34th Anniversary of June Fourth: A Tribute http://www...