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March 2011 (5)
Mar 31 2011 11:04AM
Escalating Crackdown Following Call for Jasmine Revolution in China

InternationalCommunity Must Take Strong andClear Stance Condemning RightsViolations by theChinese Government (Chinese Human RightsDefenders, March 31,2011) – The Chinese government hascriminally detained a total of 26individuals...

Mar 25 2011 9:16AM
Free Liu Xianbin and all human rights defenders.

Liu Xianbin, a long-time rights activist,was sentenced to ten years in jail on 25 March 2011. See more backgrounds about his rights activities and trial. Since the beginning of the Arab Revolution, the CCP regime continued to detain...

Mar 9 2011 10:58PM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  March 1-8, 2011

Highlights Detentions Continue as Police Remain on High Alert over Protest Calls : With anonymous online postings calling for a third round of “Jasmine Revolution” protests this past weekend, police continued to detain and disappear...

Mar 8 2011 5:27PM
Honoring Chinese Women Human Rights Defenders

(Chinese Human RightsDefenders, March 8, 2011)International Women’s Day presentsan opportunity to recognize boththe important role that women playin the Chinese rights defense ( weiquan ) movementas well as the persecution facedby...

Mar 2 2011 9:05AM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  February 23-28, 2011

Highlights Pressure on Activists Intensifies; Six Criminal Detentions Confirmed: Police continued to clamp down on human rights defenders across the country in response to another round of anonymous calls for “Jasmine Revolution”...