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2014 (153)
May 12 2014 10:25PM
1989 Participant's Profile: Wang Weiping (王卫萍)

Wang Weiping (王卫萍), Doctor of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Beijing People's Hospital; graduate of the Beijing Medical University. On the night of June 3, 1989, Wang was shot in the neck while trying to attend to the...

May 12 2014 10:18PM
Today in 1989: Hunger Strike in Tiananmen

Thousands of students march to the Tiananmen wich hundreds sworn to go to hunger strike for democracy.

May 11 2014 8:44PM
Today in 1989: Students' Open Discussion Forum- Democracy Salon

#八九六四 #八九六四二五 #8964 #896425 #八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月12日) @wurenhua 5月12日北大民主沙龍,中科院历史所副研究员包遵信(右一)演講:四二七大遊行有特殊意義,中國人已站起來。這次学動影響將超過五四運動。知識份子別怕,要承擔歷史使命。包后来任北京知识界联合会和首都各界联席会议召集人。#图说八九六四

May 11 2014 8:29PM
Today in 1989: Some students call for starting a hunger strike, post sign-up sheets on Beijing campuses

Some students call for starting a hunger strike, post sign-up sheets on Beijing campuses

May 10 2014 8:20PM
Today in 1989: students cycling protest, in support of journalists who demand freedom of press

5月10日逾万名北京学生举行自行车游行,声援昨天的逾千名记者联名请愿行动,记者们要求就新闻改革问题与中共中央主管官员对话。 # 图说八九六四

May 8 2014 8:13PM
Today in 1989: students in campuses protest and boycott

晚7时30分,北大三角地贴出北高联声明:“要广泛进行校园民主建设,如自治会的选举、确认,保留校园民主墙,绝不让它轻易失去。要继续对民众进行宣传,如进行普法,普及民主自由思想的基本常识。斗争尚在继续,同学尚需努力。 22时30分,北师大300多学生在校内3.18纪念碑前集会,北师大学生自治会决定,明天继续罢课一天。集会上广播了北高联通知:宣布五四复课是政法大学学生周勇军的擅自决定,要追究其责任。在政府没有答复我们的对话要求前,为了巩固现有成果,同学们应继续罢课。...

May 8 2014 7:10PM
[CHRB] Crackdown Underway for Commemorating 25th June Fourth (May 2-8, 2014)

Arbitrary Detention Crackdown on Commemorating 25 th June Fourth: Detentions in Beijing, Hunan Five dissidents and activists have been criminally detained after taking part in a seminar commemorating June Fourth held on May 3 in...

May 7 2014 8:10PM
Today in 1989: students in Beijing Univ continue to boycott


May 7 2014 3:54AM
Chinese Government Must Stop Intimidating Citizens Seeking Truth About June 4, 1989

(Chinese Human Rights Defenders – May 6, 2014) – CHRD is alarmed by reports that about a dozen intellectuals and family members of Tiananmen victims have been summoned to “tea” to face police questioning in Beijing after they organized...

May 7 2014 3:52AM
[CHRB] Labor Activist Criminally Detained, Torture at Hangzhou Police Station (4/28-5/1/2014)

China Human Rights Briefing April 28 – May 1, 2014 Contents Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment & Punishment Zhejiang Dissident Tortured at Police Station Arbitrary Detention Labor Activist Detained for Posting...

May 6 2014 8:04PM
Today in 1989: Student start to boycott survey

北大学生在三角地进行是否复课的讨论。12时20分,北大筹委会将是否复课的问卷发到每个学生宿舍,进行民意投票,每个宿舍投一张票。在1268张有效票中,赞成继续罢课的占64.2%,反对罢课的占24%,弃权票占11.8%。 根据北大学生投票表决情况,下午2时,北高联在北师大开会,做出决定:1、先由北大和北师大联合罢课,再号召全市罢课。2、活动以校园为主,办讲坛,出报纸,搞印刷,在校园内搞游行示威活动。

May 5 2014 7:57PM
Today in 1989: democracy radio station broadcast

北京学生有一连串争取民办传播媒介的行动,北大学生自治会主办的电台“民主广播站”已经开始无线广播,而北高联主办的报纸《新闻导报》,亦冲破当局的重重阻扰,顺利出版第二期。 中共当局对《新闻导报》的出版设置了重重障碍,指令任何印刷厂不得接受《新闻导报》的印刷业务;任何有复印机的单位、个人不得复印《新闻导报》,所 有的新闻机构均不得向《新闻导报》提供任何可以利用的材料和传播的机会。目前,《新闻导报》电脑排字、油印形式出版。每次印刷一千份左右。每期四版,一 版...

May 4 2014 7:49PM
Today in 1989: Hundreds of thousands of people inclduing jouralists march to centre squares in 30 cities

Hundreds of thousands of people inclduing jouralists march to centre squares in 30 cities. The 70th anniversary of # May4 marked by a large demonstration. ⁰ # 八九六四 # 八九六四二五 # 89June4 # 八九六四 # 八九六四二五 # 89June4 # 八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月4日) #...

May 3 2014 7:37PM
Today in 1989: Students in dorms are ready to the March into Tiananmen, to commemorate 70th Anni of the May Fourth

Students in dorms, writing posters , are ready to the March to Tiananmen, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement # 八九六四 # 89June4 # 八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月3日) 在大学宿舍书写大字报,准备纪念 # 五四 七十周年游行 # 八九六四二五 http://

May 2 2014 7:24PM
Today in 1989: Students in Peking University mimeographed leaflets, to demand formal, open, equal dialogue

Students in Peking University mimeographed leaflets , to demand formal , open, equal dialogue . # 八九六四 # 89June4 1989年5月2日 - 北大学生油印传单,要求官方正式、公开、平等与学生对话。 @ prchovanec

May 1 2014 11:13PM
Today in 1989: Students in Shanghai marched to the party headquarter, making demands for free media and a formal dialogue

Thousands of students in Shanghai marched to the party headquarter, making demands for free media and a formal dialogue. #八九六四 #八九六四二五 #89June4 #八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月2日)北京一些高校大小字讨论运动的方向。北京化工学院题为《从对话中看出的几点问题》的未署名大字报,提出“下次游行不应打出拥护共产党、社会主义的口号...

Apr 30 2014 9:10PM
1989 Participant's Profile: Xie Jingsuo (谢京锁)

Xie Jingsuo (谢京锁) , male, born on February 19, 1968, was killed at age 21, on Chang'an Boulevard, near Liubukou, in Beijing, on the morning of June 4, 1989. At the time, he was a student at the Light Industry Engineering College in...

Apr 30 2014 9:06PM
Today in 1989: more universities around the country started to boycott

more universities around the country started to boycott. #八九六四 #八九六四二五 #八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月1日)北京高校继续罢课,北高联在北大举行中外记者招待会,提出对话原则。北大筹委会在记者会上倡议成立全国学联筹委会,并举行全国高校大罢课。上海和其它地区高校加入罢课。

Apr 29 2014 9:50PM
1989 Participant's Profile: Hao Zijing (郝致京)

Hao Zijing, Assistant Researcher, Science and Technology Policy and Management Research Institute of the Central Academy of Sciences. Hao was shot in the left side of the chest by a bullet at Muxudi shortly after 11:00 p.m. on June 3...

Apr 29 2014 9:40PM
Today in 1989: Students plan next moves

At most universities were still boycotting classes, students had turned their attentioin to planning their next oves Many students were eagerly anticipating the upcoming anniversary of May Fourth.
