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Amnesty International UK
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2008 (17)
Dec 30 2008 8:02PM
New Year's Wishes

"Apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm, and enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things: first, an ideal, which takes the imagination by storm, and second, a definite intelligible plan for carrying that ideal into practice." - Arnold...

Nov 30 2008 7:06PM
Be what?  Be human?

The new ' Bs' of Belfast got me reflecting on what it is to 'be'. I'm afraid that this alliterative campaign first brought to my mind an anecdote I learnt as a child growing up on the edge of the damp dump (sorry, picturesque Victorian...

Nov 12 2008 8:14PM
Iraqi sanctions:  567,000 of the dead children under the age of five

A trawl through some of the online responses to the coverage of Bilal Abdulla's words on Iraq at his ongoing trial reveals a predictable variety of replies from some who find his views totally unacceptable, to those who are willing to...

Oct 29 2008 7:44AM
Fifty Iraqi Kurds forcibly deported to Iraq

I am circulating this press release from my friend, Dashty, at the International Federaton of Iraqi Refugees, published today, and would urge all members and supporters of Amnesty to write to the new Immigration Minister to protest the...

Oct 6 2008 3:46PM
New Minister not welcome

The appointment of Phil Woolas as the new Minister for Immigration is not good news for anyone dreaming of, or trying to hold on to, an anti-racist society that welcomes newcomers. One blog noted earlier this year, when Woolas was...

Oct 5 2008 8:55PM
Campaign against criminalising immigrants:  a call to Belfast students

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights has recognised the realities of migrants' lives in his call for migration not to be criminalised. Thomas Hammerberg says : “…many migrants cannot claim refugee status, even if their...

Aug 19 2008 8:49PM
UN criticises UK human rights record

Benjamin Zephaniah, the Rastafarian dub poet, was recently talking on Radio 4 about the focus on China's human rights record during the Olympics. The gist of what Zephaniah said was: how would the UK react when London holds the...

Aug 9 2008 8:06PM
'Zugzwang' - a metaphor for our times?

Ronan Bennett gave an inspiring lecture as part of Feile an Phobail . The former Long Kesh prisoner, author and now writer of his first hundred million dollar movie starring Johnny Depp, gave fascinating insights into the writer's...

Jul 17 2008 8:35PM
'Outsourcing abuse'

There is a lot to be said for 'bringing human rights home'. I personally believe that, as individuals and humans, we have the moral authority to criticise other countries and others' governments for human rights abuses. If this was not...

Jul 6 2008 11:28PM
Protesting detentions in the War on Terror

Where human subjectivity continues to be celebrated, and the potential of connection, solidarity or relationship, advocated through protest or letter-writing, a better future must surely soon materialize. Committed readers of this blog...

Jun 12 2008 5:02PM
Refugee Week 2008 - Refugee Action Group event

In support of asylum-seekers in Northern Ireland who may be detained, the Refugee Action Group has produced an information pack setting out their rights. [i] Those rights include the right to liberty, the right to legal advice and...

May 24 2008 4:17PM
Protesting deportations

Belfast 2008: Protesting Deportations – What Next? In collaborationwith the Refugee Action Group, Belfast Exposed has organised a paneldiscussion around the issue of UK deportation. Do come along to this free discusson event on 27 May...

Apr 30 2008 10:31AM
The Citizenship Pub Quiz

The Belfast Salon presents: The Citizenship Pub Quiz White’s Tavern 2-4 Winecellar Entry, Belfast 7.30pm Tuesday 6 May Door Tax £2 O P E N B O R D E R S E V E R Y O N E ’ S A C I T I Z E N Imagine, it’s now mandatory to pass a...

Apr 27 2008 1:03PM
One more film worth seeing:  

The US soldier back from tour on Iraq sobs into his wife's shoulder as he tells how he is haunted by the rape and killing of a fifteen-year-old Iraqi woman by his fellow soldiers. All around him, his homecoming party calls out...

Mar 25 2008 12:08PM
Who will guard the guards?  

Privacy International listed the UK as the leading surveillance society in the EU in 2007 in its survey of 47 countries. The UK is the only country within the EU to be classified as ‘an endemic surveillance society’. It finds itself in...

Mar 13 2008 4:30PM
A triple ring of security around Britain

TheHome Secretary yesterdayset out her plans for a “triple ring of security aroundBritain”. This “triple ring” entails the funding of new SpecialBranch police to patrol UK borders; tougher checks at borders and ID cards forforeign...

Jan 8 2008 11:07AM
How to protest Guantanamo Bay?

I must admit that my gut reaction was one of discomfort: would we manifest our solidarity with the victims of CIA waterboarding with a parody of this torture in a Belfast swimming pool? I think my unease comes down to this. The...