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Mar 18 2013 10:22AM
You speak, they listen! The government responds to your actions on the Arms Trade Treaty

For the past few weeks, as world leaders prepared to meet for talks to agree the world’s first international treaty to control the arms trade, thousands of you have been telling your MPs how much you care. You have been emailing...

Mar 16 2013 10:11AM
Zimbabwe's referendum: a dry-run for this year's elections?

Zimbabweans go to the polls today to vote on a new constitution. Today’s referendum is the culmination of nearly five years of political wrangling and many are seeing it as a litmus test for the presidential elections later in the year...

Mar 15 2013 4:31PM
Two years of tragedy - help us build hope for Syria

‘I heard my daughter Amani call her little brother and then I don’t remember anything. I don’t know how long I lay under the rubble before I was pulled out….The bodies of my wife and my daughter Amani were not found until six days...

Mar 14 2013 7:13PM
On arms transfers to armed opposition groups in Syria

The following is taken from our new briefing released 14 March 2013 Syria: Summary killings and other abuses by armed opposition groups. (PDF) In light of the abuses documented in this briefing, Amnesty International urges any state...

Mar 13 2013 11:57PM
Syria: Two years on - New Amnesty Film & Reports

Syria: Two years on. Will there be a Human Rights Revolution? This new film from Amnesty International UK marks the second anniversary of the Syrian uprising / conflict and is released alongside two new briefings from Amnesty...

Mar 8 2013 2:32PM
A letter to my mother

Salaam Mother Jaan, How are you doing? I hope you’re fine and healthy. Everyone at home misses you, as ever; whenever we sit around the lunch table, your empty seat stares back at us and all we wish is for you to be here with us always...

Mar 8 2013 10:55AM
Putting women at the heart of an Arms Trade Treaty

Jasmin Galace is from the Centre for Peace Education in the Philippines. Last July, her campaigning was fundamental to ensuring that the prevention of Gender Based Violence was included in the first draft of an Arms Trade Treaty. With...

Mar 6 2013 3:57PM
Arms Treaty: keep the UK Government on track and #askFCO

Update, 5.15pm: Thanks for sending your questions to Minister Burt. He gave some very welcome answers, including confirming that the UK Government wants to strengthen the human rights protections in the Treaty. He also said that...

Mar 4 2013 7:22PM
Positive promises for women's rights - now deeds must follow words

This morning the Secretary of State for International Development Justine Greening spoke at our East London office to outline her department’s approach addressing, as she put it, ‘the greatest unmet challenges of our time’ – the...

Mar 3 2013 1:08PM
'The time is now' for girls and women

You are reading this at a vitally important moment for women's rights and gender equality. We are on the eve of the 57th meeting of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York – the principle global policy making...

Feb 27 2013 5:55PM
Forced Eviction by Lagos State in Nigeria

“The police said if we went back into the house they were going to shoot us.” Friday Ogunyemi woke up on Saturday 23 February 2013 oblivious to the fact that he and his family would be made homeless that morning and would have to spend...

Feb 25 2013 12:16PM
The time is now to prevent weapons getting into the hands of human rights abusers

As we launch a new action calling on MPs to endorse a robust Arms Trade Treaty, Labour & Co-operative MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun Cathy Jamieson pledges her support. At least one person dies every minute as a result of armed violence...

Feb 21 2013 11:00AM
Pussy Riot one year on - still imprisoned, still defiant

Pussy Riot had only been in existence for four months when, a year ago today, some of the group’s members walked through the doors of Moscow’s main Orthodox Cathedral. They were to perform a stunt that would propel the feminist punk...

Feb 16 2013 6:07PM
Mind the gaps: closing the loopholes in the Arms Trade Treaty

At least 1,500 men, women and children die every day due to armed violence and conflict. And about 80% of them are civilians. But the global arms trade remains unregulated, allowing governments to authorise the transfer and trade of...

Jan 11 2013 11:53AM
11 years of Guantanamo. 11 years held without charge for Shaker Aamer

Eleven years ago today, Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp opened . Shortly after, British resident Shaker Aamer was transfered to the camp, having been captured in Afghanistan in November 2001. Shaker has always maintained that he was in...

Dec 14 2012 10:30AM
The Justice and Security Bill - has your MP responded to you?

Next week, MPs will debate the Government’s Justice and Security Bill in the House of Commons for the first time. The Government says the Bill is necessary to protect national security, we say it’s unnecessary and a risk to one of our...

Dec 11 2012 1:12PM
EU-funded housing may result in racial segregation in Serbia

Good news: In direct response to this campaign, the EU Mission in Serbia has made a public statement of their opposition to the resettlement of Roma into racially segregated settlements, stating that they agreed with our position on...

Dec 10 2012 2:38PM
Marking International Human Rights Day: A plea from MP Ann Clywd

This year we've teamed up with the All-Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group to mark International Human Rights Day. Here MP Ann Clwyd, who chairs the group in Parliament, reflects on why human rights are so fundamental and asks you...

Dec 6 2012 1:47PM
Help us stop Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Imagine meeting someone, falling in love, wanting to start a life together. But knowing that doing this could mean being imprisoned for life. Because the person you love is the same sex as you. This could be the future for anyone...

Nov 27 2012 2:21PM
Dispatches from Israel: "What I'm going through is hell"

Ann Harrison, Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Programme is in Israel investigating rocket attacks from Gaza. Our Senior Crisis Researcher, Donatella Rovera, is in Gaza, read her blog from Gaza...
