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Nov 26 2012 11:29AM
Dispatches from Gaza: "Were my wife, my children, terrorists?"

Donatella Rovera, our Crisis Response Researcher, has been in Gaza since the ceasefire was called on 21st November. She sent us this short update from Gaza City. The children are playing outside again, despite the torrential rain. They...

Nov 19 2012 12:30PM
Building Furushwa, the first interactive map of evictions in Kenya

Right now, thousands of people in Kenya’s settlements are living in fear of the bulldozers coming to raze their home to the ground. It could happen at any moment. There’s no negotiation, no warning, and nothing legal about it. The...

Nov 10 2012 12:58PM
Today and every day, I am Malala

Malala Yousufzai is fifteen. Right now, she’s in a Birmingham hospital. It’s probably safe to say she’s the only patient in there being treated for bullet wounds sustained from an assassination attempt by the Taliban. But Malala...

Nov 1 2012 11:51AM
Syria disappeared: Where is Anas al-Shogre?

Update 1 January 2013: Write for Rights has now ended, and this action has closed. A huge thank you to everybody who left a message of support for Anas's family, we were bowled over by your response. We are gathering the messages...

Oct 23 2012 5:14PM
Tunisia - one step forward, two steps back?

On 17 December 2010, in a small town in central Tunisia, the desperate and tragic act of one young street vendor quite literally sparked the flames of protest across the Middle East and North Africa. Having been humiliated by officials...

Oct 22 2012 1:03PM
Do Syrians need a ceasefire?

The situation in Syria has many participants with many contradictory political agendas; however one agenda worth getting common agreement on is the need for immediate protection of Syria’s civilians. Ideally this would be by all...

Oct 11 2012 5:25PM
China's eviction epidemic

70 year-old Wang Cuiyan lived in China’s Hubei province, in its capital city, Wuhan. On a morning in March 2010, her house was about to be destroyed. In fact, the 30 to 40 demolition workers on the job had ignored her pleas to stop the...

Oct 3 2012 11:38AM
“We are carrying on, even if they rape us, beat us or kill us”

Jacqueline Khumalo and Thandeka Jwaha are campaigners at Amnesty International South Africa, and were at the recent Pride march in KwaThema, Ekurhuleni. “We are carrying on, even if they rape us, beat us or kill us”, the crowd sing in...

Oct 2 2012 10:51AM
Time for reform: a 'new' Egypt on the way?

Tweet At the start of 2011, Egypt was a country whose people were stifled by 30 years of oppressive ‘emergency’ rule, ruthless repression of dissent, high levels of official corruption and endemic poverty. The security forces, hundreds...

Sep 28 2012 9:30AM
To keep your human rights, act.

Public consultation on a UK Bill of Rights closes this weekend. Stephen Bowen, Director, British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) looks at the background to the consultation, and why you've got to speak out to keep your rights. Let’s...

Sep 27 2012 3:54PM
Sorry, some of the Supporter Care Team are currently unavailable...

This is a guest post from Ellie Clayton and Gordon Bennett, who've both worked for our Supporter Care team, currently under house arrest in Tel Aviv We’re writing this from a flat in a Tel Aviv high-rise apartment block. We’ve been...

Sep 17 2012 2:12PM
Gambia's conditional moratorium on executions 'not good enough'

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh’s conditional moratorium on executions of death row prisoners leaves at least 38 people still at great risk of execution, Amnesty International said today. Last Friday evening (14 September), President...

Sep 10 2012 6:44PM
The forgotten prisoners

It’s dark. You’re in a cell. You’re not alone: there are bodies slumped around you. Some of them are asleep on piles of clothes – at least, you hope they’re just sleeping. Some of them have their arms and legs chained. The smell from...

Sep 8 2012 11:07PM
Geopolitics heavy, humanity light - The Russian Governments approach to Syria

When reading statements by important political figures concerning the human rights & humanitarian crisis in Syria I often try, as much as is reasonably possible, to put myself in the position of those living in fear, those exiled...

Aug 30 2012 1:37PM
Have you seen these men?

The whereabouts of the 22 Syrians below are unknown. Their families don't know if they're alive or dead. The authorities refuse to disclose any information about their whereabouts or their well-being. Today is the International Day of...

Aug 23 2012 4:24PM
Help stop the horror in Syria - support our evidence-gathering work

Update Wednesday 19 September Donatella has just returned from Syria where, in parts of the Idlib and North Hama regions, she again witnessed indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas with no apparent military target. As this video from...

Aug 2 2012 12:49AM
Justifying abuse kills hope for a human rights revolution in Syria

It is true that one can say they want a new Syria where all people's human rights are respected AND cheer the brutal extrajudicial execution of members of the notorious Berri clan in Aleppo. This is possible but let’s be clear; it...

Jul 28 2012 1:08PM
An Arms Trade Treaty is coming. Not today, but it is coming

Update 7 November 2012 - An Arms Trade Treaty one step closer after resounding UN vote The 2012 UN General Assembly has seen the biggest showing of support for the Treaty yet - 157 governments have voted in favour of a final...

Jul 27 2012 12:45PM
Arms Trade Treaty: The world needs you!

Update, 28 July: Despite a fantastic response from all of you and the UK government pulling out the stops in strengthening the treaty, the US showed stunning cowardice last night to stop the negotiations , opening the door for others...

Jul 25 2012 12:09PM
Arms Trade Treaty – It’s time to tango

Chair says "let's tango". China says "let's abandon our efforts". It is the day we have been waiting for. The day civil society has been working towards for decades, and many governments for six years. For some of us, with the way...
