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Jul 24 2012 12:24PM
Arms Treaty - get your tweet on and #AskFCO

Update - thanks for adding your questions to the #AskFCO Q&A. Alistair Burt maintained throughout that the UK government is determined to get the strongest treaty they can, read the full transcript of the Q&A . It's our job now to keep...

Jul 23 2012 4:15PM
Afghanistan: Promises alone are not enough

Horrific footage has emerged of a woman being killed in Afghanistan. The Guardian and others are reporting that she had been accused of adultery , and that her murder seems to be in retribution for this alleged ‘crime’. The attack...

Jul 20 2012 5:46PM
Russian authorities should 'immediately release' Pussy Riot detainees

‘These three activists have now been behind bars for months, awaiting a trial that should not be taking place’ - John Dalhuisen Amnesty International has reiterated its call for the release of three members of the female punk group...

Jul 17 2012 2:02PM
Arms Trade Treaty: Can we do it Obama?

Arms Trade Treaty negotiations are at a crucial point. I can hardly believe that we’re already half way through. So much has happened and yet in terms of concrete decisions, Moritan (the president of the conference) sums it up nicely:...

Jul 12 2012 5:26PM
Arms Trade Treaty - the gender dimension

‘[T]hey took me and five other women into a room. It was in the morning. There were three of them. They told us to undress. I refused. One of them hit me with his knife. I told him it was not human. He said: ‘We will see about that’...

Jul 7 2012 1:00AM
Arms Trade Treaty: First week round-up

Cesar Marin from Amnesty Venezuela offers our round up from the first week of Arms Trade Treaty negotiations in New York. Keep up-to-date on facebook

Jul 6 2012 1:02PM
Arms Trade Treaty: It’s time to act

Time at the UN is a precious commodity. Being told by Chair Ambassador Moritan that there are just 99 hours of negotiation left for the Arms Trade Treaty was a sobering moment. The sceptics, countries like Syria, Egypt, Iran and others...

Jul 5 2012 11:49AM
Arms Trade Treaty talks, there will be fireworks

I have fireworks on the mind. I love fireworks. I love other people's reactions to them. Let’s see if that's still the case by the time these talks end on 27 July... Experiencing them here in NYC is a happy by-product of being part of...

Jul 3 2012 12:21PM
Minister Burt pays a flying visit to Arms Treaty negotiations

Well, there’s good news and there’s bad news. The bad news is that a procedural stumbling block related to Palestine’s status at the UN laid waste to the first day of this 19 day long negotiation. The good news is that Foreign Office...

Jul 2 2012 4:32PM
The vital importance of a strong Arms Trade Treaty

As part of a blog-swap with the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Paul Arkwright, the UK Ambassador to the Netherlands , blogs on the start of the Arms Trade Treaty negotiations. Today marks the start of important negotiations in New York...

Jul 2 2012 1:00AM
Demanding tighter control on arms sales - what you've been up to

As negotiations begin in New York and world leaders meet to thrash out the first ever international treaty to control the arms trade, we thought it'd be nice to recap on all the amazing work you've been doing across the country. You...

Jul 1 2012 7:30PM
Live stream the next Syria conference by the “Great Powers”

On Saturday 30 June, the “Action group on Syria” met in Geneva to try to address the growing crisis in Syria – they did indeed “address the crisis” but what progress did they actually make and how is that reflected on the ground where...

Jul 1 2012 2:03PM
#armstreaty - it's time to get down to business

It's hard to describe how I'm feeling right now. But I'll try. Nervous. Prepared. Raring to go. Hot (it's 34degrees in New York City right now...) The journey we've been on together to get here has been a long one but we are now on the...

Jun 29 2012 12:30PM
Pause for thought - 40 years since the US Supreme Court briefly stopped executions

Today is the 40th anniversary of the US Supreme Court briefly stopping executions. USA Researcher Rob Freer looks back at that ruling and the use of death penalty by the US today. For a brief moment four decades ago, it looked like the...

Jun 27 2012 9:00AM
If this tank was in your city, you'd want an Arms Trade Treaty

In a couple of hours, Londoners are in for quite a shock. We're going to be taking up a little extra room in the bus lanes with... a 17-tonne armoured tank. Try getting on one of those with a pay-as-you-go Oyster card. So, I hear you...

Jun 27 2012 7:55AM
Our Arms Treaty graphics - get sharing!

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are killed, injured, raped, forced to flee from their homes and face untold suffering due to the unregulated arms trade - something we could change this summer with the first global Arms...

Jun 24 2012 4:15AM
Arming the Armed Opposition in Syria - the realities and the risks

Apologists for the Syrian government’s crimes against humanity are experiencing a rare moment of vindication at the moment. Or so they are leading themselves to believe. The reason? Well articles about alleged Saudi/Qatari arming of...

Jun 20 2012 3:09PM
Students #UpInArms - a day of campaigning for an Arms Treaty

We're in Westminster with a small army of school and university students to urge the UK government to champion an Arms Trade Treaty that disarms dictators, warlords and child soldiers at the UN negotiations next month. Follow their...

Jun 15 2012 6:54PM
How the Syrian Government could prove us wrong.

It’s the day after the launch of our new report on Syria and as with most of our high profile reports, I have spent a significant part of today discussing our approach to researching alleged human rights violations. Inevitably we have...

Jun 14 2012 3:10PM
Testimonies from Syria - the research you're funding

“Little Juma’a, eight years old, was shot in throat and in the palms of both hands; he was holding his hands up when he was shot.” Tweet Juma'a Yousef al-‘Issa, his brother, Ibrahim, and their cousins Noureddine and 'Izzeddeen ‘Ali...
