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Amnesty International UK
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Jun 13 2012 8:58PM
Amnesty's MENA Campaign - A short introduction

I figure before I do any “proper” blog posts I should say a little about the campaign I manage here - Crisis & Transition in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA). It’s fair to say it is an ambitious, labyrinthine and long term...

May 29 2012 4:09PM
Why I keep organising Baltic Pride

Guest post by Kristine Garina , Chairperson of Latvian LGBT rights organisation Mozaika and founder of Baltic Pride In six years of LGBT activism in Riga, Latvia, I’ve never felt stronger about the importance of Baltic Pride than now...

May 25 2012 10:31AM
From Lands Ends to John O' Groats - MPs unite for a bullet proof Arms Trade Treaty

Uniting for an Arms Trade Treaty - because of your emails and letters MPs around the UK are writing to David Cameron urging him to publically support for a robust arms trade treaty that protects human rights and saves lives. In May we...

Apr 24 2012 2:28PM
Come on, Shell: own up, pay up, clean up.

“I could no longer live there because our income was destroyed” – Pastor Christian Imagine an oil spill and what comes to mind? Photos of seabirds washed up on tarred shores? Newsreels of people in biohazard suits on emergency clean-up...

Apr 12 2012 5:11PM
Abdulhadi al-Kwahaja arrested: memories of a jailed activist’s wife

As I write this the dedicated human rights activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja is lying, close to unconscious, in Bahrain’s Military Hospital. Unless the Bahrain authorities act quickly it is highly likely that he will die there. His journey...

Mar 22 2012 10:42AM
Meet Emmanuel Jal. Musician. Activist. Former child soldier.

“Left home at the age of seven / one year later I’m carryin’ an AK-47.” Add your name to our petition for arms regulation I was lucky enough to first meet Emmanuel Jal about 7 years ago when I was working with Amnesty’s student groups...

Mar 16 2012 5:20PM
The situation in Syria - some clarifications.

In a week that marked a year of protests in Syria we issued a report highlighting the use of torture in detention in the country. We also continue to call on the Russian authorities to help stop the bloodshed . In posting both on...

Feb 18 2012 3:03PM
It's over, but we're not done

All week we’ve been at a meeting of governments preparing to draw up the first ever international treaty to control the trade in arms. In July they meet for the last time to finally determine the content of the Treaty. Interested in...

Feb 16 2012 4:41PM
The ups and downs of the Arms Trade Treaty negotiations

Breaking news 5.45pm 16 February The UK has firmly committed to robust and effective Arms Trade Treaty covering all convention weapons, including small arms and ammunition. They also said that the Treaty must reflect values such as...

Feb 14 2012 6:19PM
Arms Trade Treaty: let the negotiating begin...

This week we're at the UN in New York with government representatives from around the world as they meet for the last time before returning in July to thrash out the details of the first ever treaty aimed at controlling the deadly arms...

Feb 13 2012 2:41PM
Take action on arms - tell William Hague not to compromise

Update, 15 Feb Great work … Following your tweets and Facebook messages we have seen four positive interventions from the UK government at the Arms Trade Treaty Prep Comm so far. So the pressure from all of you on the UK government to...

Nov 7 2011 11:00AM
Busting some myths about the legal aid bill

The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill , which is currently passing through Parliament, could deny justice to vulnerable people affected by human rights abuses committed by UK companies overseas. For instance, those...

Oct 12 2011 12:00PM
Eastlea school students meet Human Rights Minister Jeremy Browne

Here’s a guest post from our Education and Student team, who’ve been following the Eastlea School youth group for our new film encouraging more young people to get involved with our work. They went to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office...

Sep 7 2011 12:00PM
Cluster bombs: thanks and next steps

So last week was a good week to start working at Amnesty, and witness the power of cumulative direct action to invoke a change that will have positive and far-reaching international repercussions. On 1 September, Amnesty welcomed the...

Aug 26 2011 12:00PM
Cluster bombs Facebook Q&A – transcript

Verity Coyle, our lead campaigner for cluster munitions, and Thomas Nash from Article 36 held a live Q&A with our Facebook fans on 24th August. Here’s a full transcript of the questions and answers. You can join our cluster bombs...

Aug 18 2011 12:00PM
Stop RBS investing in slaughter – Updated

WEEK TWO UPDATE: Some of you may have received an email from RBS in response to our campaign to call on UK banks to cease all investment in any company involved in the production of cluster bombs. We are just checking the details and...

Aug 17 2011 12:00PM
Cluster Bombs: RBS responds

Since yesterday more than 7,000 of you have emailed the Chief Executive of RBS, Stephen Hester and they are having a very hard time ignoring our calls. That is why they have sent some of you responses to your emails. If you have had a...

Jul 5 2011 12:00PM
Ask Hague to back Saudi women protestors

UPDATE: Thank you for such a quick response to our action – you sent over 120 messages, most of them within an hour of our action launching! It might not sound a lot, but imagine all of those arriving in your ‘mention’ list… The...

May 3 2011 12:00PM
Syrians risk bullets to demand their rights

Help stop the bloodshed: sign our petition now When army tanks recently rolled into the city of Dera’a in southern Syria and began shelling residential areas , the human rights crisis in the country reached a new low. More than 511...

Mar 23 2011 11:00AM
The long road to genuine human rights reform

As protests, uprisings, crackdowns and armed attacks continue across the Middle East and North Africa, we bring you up to date on events from a human rights perspective. Libya As the conflict in Libya rages on between Colonel al...
