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Amnesty International UK
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Jun 17 2019 12:19PM
Welcome Cinema

Every four weeks, the Welcome Cinema + Kitchen brings together people from all walks of life – refugees, asylum seekers and the general public – to share food, culture and stories.

May 30 2019 4:56PM
Top 5: Trump’s Wall of Shame

Since Trump took office, the world has experienced a huge setback for human rights. His wall of shame is growing. Which is why resistance is needed now, more than ever.

May 30 2019 4:56PM
Immigration Bill leaves people seeking asylum with an impossible choice

From 31 December 2020 many people, including unaccompanied children, will either need to rely on smugglers and dangerous journeys to the UK or risk remaining separated from their family

May 29 2019 5:00PM
I gave water to migrants crossing the Arizona desert. They charged me with a felony.

As the government cracks down on humanitarian aid, my case may set a dangerous precedent.

May 17 2019 3:33PM
LGBTI Rights around the world

Today marks the International day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. It is a day recognised across the globe, where people come together and raise awareness of the violation of rights that the LGBTI+ community continue to...

May 15 2019 10:14AM
Juliet Stevenson on International Day of Families

Becoming a mother changed Juliet Stevenson's perception of the world. For International Day of Families, Juliet writes about the moments that child refugees, separated from their families and living in the UK, miss every day.

May 10 2019 1:14PM
The UK’s biggest ever celebration of refugees and football

A record-breaking 170 football clubs came together for Amnesty’s third Football Welcomes weekend to celebrate the contribution players with refugee backgrounds make to the game

May 1 2019 5:32PM
Syrian torture survivors are fighting back

By Kristyan Benedict - AIUKs Crisis & Tactical Campaigns Manager. Twitter - KreaseChan “What is a laptop?” The man I was sitting with just off Taksim Square in Istanbul asked this apparently bizarre question after experiencing his new...

Apr 25 2019 4:56PM
Indefinite detention: An endless time loop

Indefinite detention: not knowing how long you are going to be detained has a major impact on mental health. It's time for a time limit.

Apr 17 2019 4:44PM
British Born and Bred

In telling my story, I hope that I can draw attention to the citizenship rights of children and young people born and/or raised in the United Kingdom.

Apr 7 2019 10:14AM
Want to get involved in Football Welcomes? Here’s how

For the Football Welcomes weekend, get in touch with a local charity working with refugees and people seeking asylum to offer free tickets to a game, a stadium tour or other activity.

Mar 13 2019 10:14AM
Think twice! Companies doing business in Israeli occupied Palestinian territories

Why should companies steer clear of doing business with Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT)? Surely, there is nothing wrong with a business relationship with such entities, some of which have been in place

Mar 13 2019 10:14AM
Climate change could become the greatest human rights violation in history

Inspired by the initiative of Swedish school student Greta Thunberg, young people around the world are demanding governments to take urgent action on climate change.

Mar 13 2019 10:14AM
It's time to act on refugee family reunion

If we want to give refugees the best chance to rebuild their lives and contribute to our society, reuniting people with those they love isn’t just humane. It’s common sense.

Mar 8 2019 5:30PM
Write For Rights 2018 wrap up

Over five million messages were sent this year - we're still counting, but it looks like it'll be another record. Thank you for writing!

Mar 8 2019 5:30PM
Write for Rights 2019 wrap up

Over 89,000 online actions sent this year - that's a record! Thank you for your support.

Mar 7 2019 4:36PM
Egyptian photojournalist Shawkan released

Egyptian photojournalist Mahmoud Abou Zeid, known as Shawkan, has finally been released after spending more than five and a half years in prison on trumped-up charges.

Feb 25 2019 9:02AM
Food, film and that welcoming feeling

People of all ages and from all walks of life enjoyed the first monthly Welcome Cinema + Kitchen film screening and supper club event of 2019!

Jan 25 2019 12:58PM
Dying to save the environment in Mexico

Mexican environmental defender Julián Carrillo was murdered for defending his Indigenous community. Governments around the world must do more to protect human rights defenders.

Dec 18 2018 1:37PM
We won’t end gender-based violence without sex workers

Our understanding of gender-based violence is growing. International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25 November) marks the start of 16 days of activism against gender-based violence
