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Jun 23 2020 1:20PM
10 human rights stories you may have missed during lockdown

We published a first version of this blog in April. This new post covers 10 human rights developments which took place in May and June 2020. It is of course non-exhaustive. 1. Nigeria: children are the first victims of the conflict...

Jun 12 2020 12:19PM
The Welcome Cinema

The Welcome Cinema + Kitchen brings together people from all walks of life – refugees, asylum seekers and the general public – to share food, culture and stories.

Jun 3 2020 5:16PM
TripAdvisor’s attitude to racism & injustice is ‘Palestinian Lives Don’t Matter’

By Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan Over recent days, we’ve seen numerous major companies around the world issuing statements of support for the Black Lives Matter protests. In truth, many feel hollow - paying lip-service to the issues...

May 28 2020 11:15AM
10 human rights stories you may have missed during the COVID-19 crisis

The coronavirus outbreak has pretty much dominated our daily lives. Here's 10 important human rights stories that have affected millions of people but you might have missed.

May 26 2020 4:30PM
Rise Up

We have now finished our third Rise Up session, and with one to go it’s fair to say it has been my favourite weekend so far. No cliché meant but it gets better every time!

May 18 2020 7:11PM
Syrian Torture Trial in Koblenz, Germany - Part 1

Mansour Omari, a Syrian human rights defender, gives a personal account of the first day of a historic Syrian torture trial in Koblenz, Germany.

May 14 2020 3:54PM
These are not the choices doctors should have to make.

Author and Amnesty Ambassador Sita Brahmachari writes about the migrant experience during the coronavirus pandemic

May 2 2020 9:23PM
Syrian Torture Trial in Koblenz, Germany - Part 2

Part 2 of Mansour Omari's deeply personal account of the Syria torture trial in Koblenz, Germany.

Apr 24 2020 8:34AM
Saudi Arabia wants to do this deal with the Premier League as a PR tool to help cover up its abysmal human rights record.

It may not be for Amnesty to say who owns a football club, and it should not be for fans to shoulder the blame, but we can try to break the spell of sportswashing if we decide to speak out.

Apr 14 2020 3:01PM
Syrian Torture Trial in Koblenz, Germany - Part 3

I wondered what his victims felt hearing his voice. Was it too penetrating? Did it throw them back to that time and place when they heard it for the first time?

Apr 7 2020 1:23PM
Lebanon’s two million refugees face a potential coronavirus catastrophe

Lebanon’s two million refugees face a potential coronavirus catastrophe The coronavirus pandemic is difficult enough for most people, whatever their circumstances. But what does “stay at home” mean when you can’t go back to your home...

Mar 27 2020 4:44PM
Syria: Death by coronavirus - the latest fate awaiting Syrians

As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps across the world, urgent action needs to be taken to save the lives of untold numbers of at-risk Syrians.

Mar 12 2020 9:49AM
Getting girls talking about coerced marriage

Mashiyath Qurashy, part of our Rise Up programme, discusses her campaign to raise awareness about coerced marriage in her community.

Nov 19 2019 2:18PM
The call that never came: how one Syrian torture survivor is refusing to let injustice crush him

Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan “Make sure my phone is always charged in case Islam calls me” - that’s what Ahmad Helmi told his mother when she visited him in prison. Islam Dabbas was Ahmad’s best friend. His companion from boyhood...

Oct 30 2019 2:24PM
Never Forget. Never Forgive. Syrians demand Justice

A handful of Syrian activists, despite unimaginable personal trauma, are fighting for justice for Syria. Because without justice there can never be peace.

Sep 12 2019 4:40PM
Top 3 things you need to know about the Global Climate Strike

On Friday 20 September, millions of people will be out on the streets all around the world to demand action on climate change from their leaders. Here’s everything you need to know about the climate strikes.

Sep 10 2019 2:27PM
UK schools must let children strike

Amnesty International chief, Kumi Naidoo, writes to 25,000 headteachers urging them to ‘neither prevent nor punish’ pupils from taking part in the global days of strikes. His letter comes ahead of the biggest wave of global climate.

Jul 30 2019 12:01AM
Why I cancelled Obliterated

​ ​ ​ Blog by Ahmed Masoud , writer, director and academic based in the UK Growing up in the Gaza Strip, I saw many buildings bombed by Israeli warplanes. There were always two sounds: the first of missile metal hitting the building...

Jul 25 2019 4:19PM
Why ‘The Great Hack’ is just the tip of the iceberg

The inside story of how Cambridge Analytica misused Facebook data to manipulate voters in the US election is told in “The Great Hack” – a new Netflix documentary out today.

Jun 25 2019 4:38PM
Women’s safety is a political issue, not a private matter

After neighbours call the police after an argument between PM-hopeful Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds, is privacy a political issue? When it comes to ending violence against women, there are no secrets, and no closed doors.
