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Amnesty International UK
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May 25 2021 9:04AM
Black Lives Matter and the Right to Protest

This week we remember George Floyd, and we look back at how protests ignited worldwide – including right here in the UK.

May 23 2021 10:03AM
10 reasons why the Government needs to drop the Policing Bill

You might have heard about the controversial ‘Police Crackdown Bill’ currently being discussed in the UK Parliament. But what is it and why is Amnesty - alongside many others - opposing it?

Apr 23 2021 6:44PM
On the Trauma of Advocacy

The tenth anniversary of the Syrian uprising has now passed. Harrowing testimony of victims and stories of resistance from survivors saturated this brief moment in our collective conscience. Hundreds of articles, podcasts, interviews...

Mar 11 2021 2:05PM
Syria 10 Years On - Assad’s Pyrrhic Victory

Syria’s human rights community is not just petitioning and protesting against atrocities; they’re also hunting down torturers and war criminals.

Mar 11 2021 2:05PM
Napier Barracks: no place for people seeking asylum

Last September, the government turned the disused Napier barracks just outside Folkestone into accommodation for people seeking asylum and housed 400 people there - even though conditions at the barracks were totally unsuitable.

Mar 6 2021 5:59PM
Friends & Families of Syria’s Disappeared Develop a Roadmap for Justice

Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan In the autumn of 2019, Syrian survivors of torture and familes of those still missing , gathered in rural Holland to work on what would become, nearly 18 months later, the Truth and Justice Charter . I...

Feb 12 2021 2:20PM
Voices from the frontline

In the midst of a drawn-out winter of gloom and isolation, we are all running a little low on hope. And one would be forgiven for thinking that a new report from Amnesty and its partners, in which Human Rights Defenders across the...

Feb 2 2021 12:53PM
10 human rights stories you may have missed since the beginning of the year

By Rebecca Nguyen, AIUK Crisis and Tactical campaigner @RebNVT 1. Tunisia: 10 years after the 2011 uprising, the struggle for justice continues amid excessive use of force by the police against protesters In mid-January, protests...

Jan 4 2021 4:04PM
Write For Rights 2020

Over 110,000 of you used your power as part of Write for Rights 2020 to stand up and seek justice and freedom for some amazing people. Whether signing petitions, writing letters or emailing authorities - your actions have been heard...

Dec 22 2020 10:59AM
Why Did Austria Protect An Assad Regime Torture Chief?

Syrian human rights activists want states to hold Austria to account for violating the Torture Convention

Dec 21 2020 10:45AM
2020 human rights victories

2020 has been a year like no other. The Coronavirus pandemic changed lives for millions across the world. However even in times of difficulty, we continued to stand up for human rights.

Nov 18 2020 12:03PM
5 things you need to know about the Overseas Operations Bill

Torture is never OK - but right now, the government is attempting to pass a Bill that would decriminalise torture and war crimes committed by British soldiers more than five years ago. But what is the Overseas Operations Bill?

Oct 26 2020 11:32AM
Your voice has power this winter: Write for Rights 2020

Our news cycle can feel overwhelming. With police brutality threatening human rights and divisive politics pulling communities apart, it’s easy to feel powerless. But we’re not - and our movement is proof. Together we've helped over...

Oct 12 2020 4:12PM
Countless Brave Syrian Activists Made The Koblenz Torture Trial Possible

By Mansour Omari Earlier this year, on April 23, a monumental event happened. The first ever trial about Syrian state torture started in Koblenz, Germany. The German prosecution charged two Syrians, Anwar Raslan and Iyad Al-Gharib...

Aug 27 2020 5:08PM
20 minutes of life and death in Beirut

Rana Khoury is a creative director, university lecturer and social entrepreneur. She co-founded the social enterprise“ Phenomenal Women ” that links women survivors of domestic violence, sexual abuse and discrimination to training...

Aug 27 2020 5:07PM
Outside Lebanon - inside the blast

by Farah Abou El Sel Farah Abou El Sel is a Lebanese human rights activist currently based in Turkey. She has been actively involved with Lebanese and Syrian civil society for the past 10 years with a special focus on grants, donor...

Aug 27 2020 5:02PM
Lebanon: Don't let the criminals be the judges

Joey Ayoub is a Lebanese writer and activist currently based in Switzerland. He tweets at @Joeyayoub . The August 4 explosion exposed the lethal recklessness that has come to define the ruling establishment in Lebanon. We are still...

Aug 27 2020 5:02PM
Beirut Explosion: The Lebanese authorities did take swift action following the blast – but in all the wrong ways and for all the wrong reasons.

Kareem Chehayeb is an independent journalist and Non-resident Fellow at The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy. He tweets at @chehayebk . The Beirut Port explosion on 4 August that ripped through the heart of the city left...

Aug 27 2020 5:01PM
Lebanon: Drastic problems require radical solutions

Jonathan Dagher is a journalist and video producer at the Lebanese independent online media platform Megaphone News . He has contributed pieces to Zenith Magazine's Lebanon Chronicles and the Middle East Eye. He is also a producer on...

Aug 7 2020 4:44PM
Recognition of racism in the UK is growing

By Steve Valdez-Symonds Recognition of racism in the UK appears to be growing. Whether that will continue and produce significant change is a critical and as yet unanswerable question. What is certain is that real and lasting change...
