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Amnesty International UK
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May 14 2022 1:38PM
The Tadamon Massacre - Six Minutes that Shocked a Nation

By Mansour Omari I'm recovering from a stroke. My doctors said they didn't know the cause, but undoubtedly the stresses of surviving Assad's torture machine and continuing to campaign for justice are contributing factors. The doctors...

May 4 2022 11:00AM
The new UK-Israel trade deal must not ignore Israeli apartheid

The UK-Israel trade deal should not depend on ignoring human rights abuses and apartheid. The UK should use its leverage in trade negotiations to enhance and protect Palestinian rights.

Apr 14 2022 12:02PM
"Football saved my life" - Afghan refugee tells how football helped her flee her country

Sebrayah - Captain of the Afghan Women’s National Development Football Team - had to flee to the UK from Afghanistan when the Taliban seized power last year with her team.

Mar 23 2022 11:43AM
Under Apartheid - Hello from Gaza

By Aya Al-Ghazzawi Growing up in Gaza My realisation of my suffocating surroundings in Gaza began when I was maybe four years old. I used to hear my dad discussing politics with our relatives. I didn't understand everything they were...

Mar 21 2022 11:04AM
Can YOU ask your MP to vote to support all refugees?  

Over 3 million people have fled Ukraine in just over three weeks, seeking safety and refuge in neighbouring countries and beyond. The conflict and its destructive consequences have opened many people’s eyes to what it means to be a...

Feb 24 2022 10:00AM
5 reasons to get involved with the Human Rights Act Consultation

Written by Tom Southerden The UK government is running a consultation on plans to scrap the Human Rights Act and replace it with a Bill of Rights. We are concerned that the proposals would severely weaken rights protections in the UK...

Feb 8 2022 2:21PM
Breaking Down Apartheid

Written by Amnesty UK's Racial Justice Lead, Ilyas Nagdee. Staying neutral is not an option The late Bishop Desmond Tutu is quoted as saying, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”...

Jan 13 2022 10:32AM
Reflections on the Syrian Torture Trial in Koblenz

By Mansour Omari "Whoever has succumbed to torture can no longer feel at home in the world." German prosecutors quoted these words from Holocaust survivor Jean Améry to introduce their closing argument in Koblenz, at the trial of Anwar...

Oct 7 2021 4:48PM
Policing Bill targets people experiencing homelessness

Serious concerns have already been raised about the government’s ‘Policing Bill’, particularly about powers to clamp down on peaceful protests and the risk of further entrenching racism , especially against Black people. But the...

Sep 29 2021 7:21PM
Victims of Assad's notorious Students' Union speak out - but the UN is not listening

By Mansour Omari In July this year, the UN Development Program in Syria (UNDP) posted on its social media platforms that it is cooperating with the National Union of Syrian Students (NUSS) in organising the Hult students Prize. The...

Sep 24 2021 6:01PM
10 famous protests the Policing Bill would've threatened

Pride, Black Lives Matter, ending apartheid. These powerful protests would all have been threatened under a new law the UK Government is proposing…

Sep 9 2021 1:09PM
Afghanistan – A Hell on Earth

By Nigina Istanakzai-Zarifi - Afghanistan Country Coordinator for Amnesty International UK Kabul's sudden fall to the Taliban opened the gates of hell to the Afghan people. The promises of a new and better era, especially for women and...

Aug 16 2021 5:05PM
UK could soon have prisoners of conscience

The Policing Bill will result in human rights activists being imprisoned solely for their peaceful exercise of their human rights. History offers proof of how protest rights can be eroded.

Aug 16 2021 5:05PM
Ten years since the execution of Troy Davis: remembering the campaign to stop his execution

Blog by Kim Manning-Cooper – Ten years since the execution of Troy Davis: remembering the campaign to stop his execution Kim Manning-Cooper is an activist against the death penalty and former amnesty campaign manager The 21st of...

Aug 16 2021 5:05PM
Protests for racial justice face ongoing challenge from Policing Bill

40 years since racialised communities revolted at police violence and a year since Black Lives Matter demonstrations, the right to protest used on these occasions is now under threat from the Policing Bill.

Jul 27 2021 12:28PM
The UN's student partner in Syria helped torture students

By Mansour Omari The UN Development Program in Syria is working directly with a group many Syrians believe to be complicit in crimes against humanity. This is the same UN office that thanked Russian authorities for supporting Syrians...

Jun 30 2021 4:03PM
Why the Police Crackdown Bill makes racism worse

First ever poll of Black people by UK Parliament’s Human Rights Committee shows that more than 85% are not confident that they would be treated the same as while people by the police.

Jun 24 2021 3:51PM
Israeli police used 'ruthless excessive force' against Palestinian protesters - new research

‘Discriminatory crackdown’ allowed Jewish supremacists to freely organise their own violent demonstrations ‘Tonight we are not Jews, we are Nazis’ - Jewish supremacists circulated extremist social media messages to organise attacks on...

Jun 21 2021 10:22PM
Undermining the goal of ending statelessness

This year, Amnesty International shares its 60th anniversary with the 1961 UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.

Jun 4 2021 5:24PM
The Gaza Deja vu

By Ahmed Masoud - @masoud_ahmed 20 May 2021 Rolling news humming in the background, constant work messages, endless Whatsapp notifications, phone calls to family in Gaza, a blizzard of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram posts. Is there a...
