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Amnesty International UK
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Jun 18 2024 10:00AM
Refugee Week 2024: What does Seeking Asylum have to do with Home?

Steve Valdez-Symonds, Amnesty International UK’s Refugee & Migrant Rights Programme Director, explores the theme of this year’s Refugee Week: Home.

Apr 5 2023 12:22PM
The UK's Cruel Immigration Bill: Explained

The UK Government's latest immigration bill not only threatens to dismantle our asylum system, but also carries alarming implications for families, children, citizenship and human rights. With far-reaching consequences, this bill...

Jan 27 2023 4:38PM
2022: A horrible year for refugee rights. What’s next?

2022: A horrible year. What’s next? 2022 was the year in which everything changed and yet everything stayed the same. Priti Patel began the year as Home Secretary. Suella Braverman finished the year in that post. And Grant Shapps made...

Jun 9 2022 9:00AM
Dire day for refugees and all who care about justice

Wherever we come from, we all have the right to be safe . But, Priti Patel and the government don't think so. On 28th June, the UK's interpretation of the definition of a refugee and the rights to which every person who is a refugee is...

Dec 15 2021 4:03PM
How the government plan to secretly strip people of their citizenship

The government is seeking to acquire the power to secretly strip someone of their citizenship. The Nationality and Borders Bill contains many dangerous and divisive provisions. It will damage the UK’s asylum system, hinder people from...

Dec 18 2018 2:25PM
Another Home Office scandal

Children as young as 10 are being denied their rights to British citizenship because they are, or might be, assessed by the Home Office not to be of good character

Nov 9 2018 4:21PM
Excessive heat over deportation helps nobody

If the criminal justice system is to be fair, then it must ensure that nobody is punished more than others for the same offence.

Oct 23 2018 4:21PM
Windrush: Lessons to be Learned

The review set up by the Home Office to learn lessons from the Windrush scandal has closed for receiving written evidence. But will they be learned?

Jun 8 2018 12:54PM
Profiting from children's rights

Thousands of children born in the UK are growing up without the British citizenship they are entitled to by law. This is a national scandal which has long gone largely unnoticed. Could that be about to change?

May 8 2018 5:18PM
Stop saying 'illegal' immigrants

The word 'illegal' comes very easy to policy and law makers, but very few give much thought to what it means and whom it affects.

Apr 16 2018 5:18PM
Seventy years after Windrush

The Home Office has finally responded to mounting pressure over its disgraceful indifference to Commonwealth citizens, whose lives have been turned upside down several decades after they first settled in the UK. But is it enough?

Apr 16 2018 5:18PM
The Windrush scandal - just the tip of the iceberg

Unless the government faces up to the past, injustices like those suffered by the Windrush generation are certain to be repeated.

Nov 20 2017 1:00PM
How the government profiteers from children needing to register as British citizens

How can someone born in this country, having lived here all her life, find herself threatened with removal by the government to somewhere she doesn’t know and has never been? How can this happen when she's entitled, by the law, to...

Aug 3 2017 5:51PM
Catastrophe for refugees and migrants once again beckons in the Central Mediterranean

As the Italian Government makes the cruel decision to send warships to assist the coastguard in returning people to Libya, we need to demand that EU leaders instead make saving lives the priority.

Apr 3 2017 6:48PM
Putting children first

By Steve Valdez-Symonds, Programme Director - Refugee and Migrant Rights Today Amnesty International and Student Action for Refugees (STAR) have linked the Home Office and the Department for Education in a giant paper chain of united...

Feb 22 2017 10:28PM
Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s claim about child refugees could not be further from the truth

This blog was first published on on 11 February 2017. When the Home Secretary announced this week that the government would end its scheme to bring lone child refugees already in Europe to the UK, she claimed it had to...

Jan 18 2017 4:06PM
Time to stand against hate and division on both sides of the Atlantic

On 20 January 2017, Donald J Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States of America. Even before becoming president-elect, his rhetoric on immigration – and the encouragement this has given to extremists...

Nov 1 2016 1:50PM
Squabbling over children in Calais sends an appalling message to the rest of the world

Over recent days, the relationship between the French and UK governments has been strained by renewed disagreement over who should take responsibility for children at Calais. The two governments have once more effectively abandoned...

Oct 19 2016 6:04PM
Dental checks for child refugees: inappropriate, unethical and unreliable

Children who have fled from conflict zones and brutal regimes are finally being reunited with family in the UK. This should be a cause for celebration. Many have been living in squalor at risk from traffickers and abusers for months...

Aug 19 2016 5:06PM
Mo Farah’s double double: Bringing us all closer together

Mo Farah arguably just became the UK’s greatest ever Olympian. When he led the field across the line on Sunday, he completed a sensational back-to-back double – winning both 5,000 and 10,000 metre golds at London 2012 and Rio 2016. Of...
