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Sep 30 2016 12:37PM
Boris urgently needs to put Nazanin and Kamal on his agenda

When Boris Johnson steps up to the mic at the Conservative Party Conference on Sunday, it will be the first time he’s set out his stall as Foreign Secretary to the party membership since he was appointed to the role back in July. Boris...

Sep 29 2016 12:23PM
Global inaction is enabling the brutal destruction of Aleppo

By Diana Semaan, Syria Campaigner at Amnesty International The collapse of the latest Syrian ceasefire agreement in recent days brought a ferocious escalation in the bombardment of Aleppo last weekend. At least 173 civilians were...

Sep 14 2016 3:53PM
What has the Human Rights Act done for women?

For decades the Human Rights Act has helped women access their rights. As Justice Secretary Liz Truss confirms that the government will go ahead with plans to scrap it we take a closer look at the freedoms the Act has helped to secure...

Sep 6 2016 7:47PM
What hopes for credible justice in a post Assad Syria?

By Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan As London plays host to Syria’s political opposition, talk once again is about a future political “transition” in Syria. Given the relentlessly brutal reality on the ground in Syria, any search for a...

Aug 30 2016 3:36PM
Rio 2016: A legacy of police killings and repressed protests

The Rio Olympics 2016 have seen the world come together in a celebration of sport. Team GB finished second on the medals table and Team Refugees has inspired millions around the world. But behind the spectacle and celebration of the...

Jul 13 2016 3:54PM
Tell the world: We stand together #againsthate

Recorded reports of hate crimes soared since the UK voted to leave the EU on 23 June. Hate crimes can have a devastating and long-lasting impact not only on victims but also on their communities. Our government has a responsibility to...

Jul 7 2016 10:07AM
Time for justice in Israel and Gaza

It has been two years since Israel’s 50-day military offensive in Gaza brought unprecedented death and destruction to the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2014. 1,462 Palestinian civilians in Gaza, including 551 children, and six civilians...

Jul 5 2016 12:53PM
Has Brazil lost, before the Olympics have begun?

Sign the petition to stop police brutality in Brazil Several promises and thousands of nice words fill the three volumes of the candidacy dossier for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Since 2009, when the country won the Olympic bidding...

Jul 4 2016 4:25PM
Empowering women to end FGM and child marriage

Working with local communities has taught women's rights activist, Noelie Kouraogo, that a softly-softly approach is essential. If you do it right, the benefits will be far reaching for individuals, families and communities. But the...

May 26 2016 12:55PM
The Syrian Institute for Justice – Communicating Hope in Lawless Times

Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan It’s 9am, and in a small corner of a hotel in Gaziantep, southern Turkey, a group of Syrian activists are huddled together discussing their work in the war-torn city of Aleppo. This is not an uncommon...

May 3 2016 5:30PM
Scotland's manifestos - how do they compare on human rights?

By Paul Daly, Advocacy and Activism Officer, Scotland With polling day for the 2016 Scottish elections just a couple of days away, most of us are looking forward to it all being over! Over the last few weeks we’ve seen party leaders...

Apr 1 2016 3:52PM
New president of Burma brings hope of genuine human rights change

This is no April Fools, we promise. Today, Htin Kyaw takes his seat as the first democratically elected president of Burma for over 50 years. His party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), won a majority of seats in free elections...

Mar 23 2016 5:54PM
Free Mahmoud Hussein, arrested in Egypt for his t-shirt

Good news! Mahmoud released A huge thank you to everyone that took action – Mahmoud was finally freed on Friday 25 March after a court upheld his release. He has now been reunited with his family. This is great news but Mahmoud should...

Feb 4 2016 6:32PM
Between a rock and a hard place: refugee women from Syria seeking a safe place

By Liz McKean, Amnesty International UK's Programme Director for Women's Human Rights 'Sometimes we feel like we are not living. I feel like I am not living'. - Rouba*, a Palestinian refugee from Syria, now living in Lebanon Reading...

Feb 2 2016 11:04AM
'Burning Country- Syrians in Revolution & War' book launch

Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan “Syria was once known as the ‘Kingdom of silence’. In 2011 it burst into speech – not in one voice but in millions…For a few brief moments the people changed everything. Then the counter-revolutions...

Dec 2 2015 6:22PM
Syria military action vote: our view on the UK ISIS strategy

Update 3 December: Last night MPs voted in favour of UK military action against ISIS in Syria, after a 10-hour debate in Parliament. Just hours later, the RAF have begun airstrikes on oil fields under ISIS control. Our call remains the...

Dec 1 2015 3:27PM
A 'comprehensive strategy' on ISIS in Syria - some points for the UK

Kristyan Benedict - on Twitter as @KreaseChan Civilians in Syria are being subjected to appalling human rights violations committed by the Syrian government and many armed opposition groups. These violations amount to war crimes and in...

Nov 24 2015 3:50PM
Face to face with her former torturer in Mexico

'You did me so much harm. And now you will never forget my face.' Cristel Piña, torture survor, to the policeman who tortured her A few weeks ago, I attended one of Mexico’s new ‘spoken’ trials as an observer. It was one of the first...

Oct 30 2015 9:53AM
After more than 13 years, Shaker Aamer has been released from Guantánamo Bay

When I helped organise a protest against Guantánamo Bay in 2007 , I had no idea that I would still be campaigning against it more than eight years later. Or that until today there would still be a British resident held at the notorious...

Oct 26 2015 4:00PM
Travelling to England for an abortion was my only option

We found out we were expecting our second child in June 2012. My husband and I were thrilled. We booked an early scan for later that week. They said I was seven weeks pregnant. We were delighted when we found out our baby was due on...
