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Amnesty International UK
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Mar 28 2018 5:49PM
Good news! The latest on how you are making a difference

From standing up for refugee families, to celebrating Suffragette Spirit, to Teodora in El Salvador walking free, together, we are making good things happen all over the world.

Mar 28 2018 5:49PM
More good news in 2018

From from big strides towards legalising abortion in Northern Ireland to helping a 19-year-old survivor of rape fend off the death penalty - you are helping to making good things happen all over the world.

Mar 22 2018 3:00PM
Gun violence is a human rights issue

There’s a crucial point missing from the gun violence debate in America: saving lives is not a policy choice.

Mar 16 2018 5:24PM
You did it: 131 MPs voted for the Refugee Family Reunion Bill!

The current UK laws on the rights of refugees are restrictive and unfair. But change is possible - the Refugee Family Reunion Bill takes us one giant step closer to reuniting refugee families.

Mar 15 2018 9:00AM
Syria’s seven years of suffering

The situation in eastern Ghouta is by no means a recent crisis. Syrians have now endured seven years of horrifying violence.

Feb 2 2018 8:00AM
'How long can we tolerate this situation?' Stories from the Greek islands' refugee camps

15,000 people are currently stranded on the islands. They need and deserve hope for a better future. Urge the authorities to take action.

Jan 23 2018 9:00AM
The Rohingya need a sustainable solution before it’s too late

A last-minute postponement to send them back to Myanmar from Bangladesh has come as temporary relief, but the fact remains: these people need a sustainable solution.

Dec 22 2017 1:20PM
Writing for rights in 2017

“Don’t ever underestimate the power of kindness in your words” Jo Cobley – Young Roots In 2017, over 40,000 of you have performed the kind act of sending a message of hope, of solidarity or just letting someone know they’re not alone...

Dec 19 2017 5:49PM
Good news: your 2017 human rights victories

You’ve marched, you’ve protested, and you’ve petitioned authorities and governments everywhere. Here’s a small number of the human rights victories we’ve had in 2017.

May 16 2017 4:00PM
Chelsea Manning, human rights heroine and trailblazing whistleblower, will walk free

Tomorrow Chelsea Elizabeth Manning will be a free woman. After seven years in detention – and until this January facing incarceration in military prison until 2045 – her freedom is momentous indeed. "For the first time, I can see a...

May 2 2017 5:49PM
Good news: your latest human rights victories

Written by Kate Allen, Director of Amnesty International UK. The Prime Minister has called an election. Elections have a tendency to twist reality into toxic rhetoric, which has proven recently to have grave consequences. We won't...

Apr 25 2017 10:32AM
Standing Together Against Hate

We all have the right to be treated without discrimination. Alarming reports of an increase in hate crimes across the UK have been in the spotlight since the EU referendum vote. And the full picture is not yet clear – people...

Apr 20 2017 10:34AM
The Co-operative Bank – rethinking civil society account closures

By Kate Allen, Director Amnesty International UK This week Amnesty International is publishing a report on the Co-operative Bank’s closure of accounts of some of their non-governmental organisation (NGO) customers, which the Bank...

Apr 18 2017 3:52PM
My family’s right to a home

Written by Liesbeth, a Dutch citizen living in the UK for almost 20 years, as well as an activist, gardener, blogger and full-time mum. We recently went to apply for our permanent residency document. With a kilo of paperwork handed in...

Dec 9 2016 12:19PM
On human rights day, send a message of hope

Written by Bonface Ophiyah Massah, National Coordinator of APAM, the Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi My name is Bonface Massah. I live in Malawi, and I have albinism. That is a dangerous combination. In Malawi, people...

Nov 22 2016 6:15PM
After Hillsborough I fought for justice for 27 years

By Becky Shah I lost my mum when I was 17. She left one day to go to a football match, and I never saw her alive again. This year we finally proved that she lost her life as a result of tragic failures by the police, ambulance services...

Nov 12 2016 10:14AM
Six Trump proposals that must never become policy

By Margaret Huang , executive director of Amnesty International USA In the very early hours of November 9, we voiced our grave concern about statements that President-elect Donald Trump made over the course of the election and his...

Nov 9 2016 8:39PM
Trump’s win: what this might mean for Syria

It’s too early to say exactly what Donald Trump’s presidential victory means for Syria’s beleaguered civilians. Will he “pivot” the USA towards Assad and Putin in some narrow “counter terror” strategy against ISIS? He has certainly...

Oct 6 2016 3:53PM
Good news: your latest victories on human rights

You, our supporters, have proved once again the impact an individual can have by being active on human rights. It's time to take a moment to reflect on the power of your actions. Your urgent response ensured 10-year old Ghina in Syria...

Oct 4 2016 5:47PM
No more torture on your doorstep

Thumb screws, electric shock batons, leg irons and neck shackles. These instruments of torture aren’t just confined to the history books – they're being used every day in torture chambers, police stations, military barracks and at...
