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Amnesty International UK
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Jan 18 2011 10:09AM
How Ordinary People Can Make a Real Difference

*Posted on behalf of Frances* Congratulations! We have made it through apparently the most depressing Monday of the year in the UK (January 17th) where getting out of bed is at its most difficult. So, as we settle in for the rest of...

Dec 26 2010 1:36PM
Village in Israel destroyed for the eighth time

Around 50 people have been affected by the demolition of the Bedouin village of al-‘Araqib in the Negev in southern Israel. Over half of the people affected by this policy of home demolition are children, who have now seen their...

Dec 20 2010 8:51PM
Juvenile Offenders sentenced to death in Yemen

Amnesty International has received information that thePresident of Yemen has signed the death sentences of two alleged juvenileoffenders, one of whom was scheduled for execution on 19 December. The death penalty should not be imposed...

Dec 15 2010 5:58PM
The Child Rights Information Network shares the Durban Declaration

A call to action from the Street Child World Cup Therecent release of the Durban Declaration, which reflects the main issues raised by street children around the world, highlights the importance of their right to be heard. If we are to...

Dec 15 2010 12:38AM
'People don't care whether we live or die' - Violence against children in the home and on the street

On Saturday 11th December the Amnesty International Children's Human Rights Network and the Consortium for Street Children organised a morning of short films and discussions with children's rights activists from around the world on the...

Dec 14 2010 11:20PM
Amnesty Greetings Card Campaign

Every year the Amnesty Greetings Card Campaign provides anopportunity for people to show solidarity with others who are in dangeror unjustly imprisoned around the world. This year's campaign hasidentified 32 individual, groups and...

Nov 10 2010 11:13PM
Immigration detention of children must end

The Coalition Agreement between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats published in May 2010 stated: We will end the detention of children for immigration purposes. This was a very welcome and important policy statement – the...

Sep 16 2010 1:13AM
Roma discrimination: European governments will reap what they sow

What a summer for the Roma in Europe. Mass deportations from France. A killing spree targeting a Roma family at home in their apartment in Slovakia. And back to school for thousands of Roma children who – a second Amnesty report on...

Jun 15 2010 11:41PM
THE FAKE PROPHET - a film by 'Stepping Stones Nigeria'

When: Saturday 24 July 2010 at 7.30pm Where: The Human Rights Action Centre ,London The Children's Human Rights Network would like to invite you to the London premiere of The Fake Prophet made by child rights charity Stepping Stones...

Jun 11 2010 12:24PM
Young HR Reporter Award winners write on children's rights

The winners of AIUK's Young Human Rights Reporter Award have been announced. Children aged 7-14 were asked to write an article or report of between 200 and 250 words on a human rights-related issue. Both of the winners, interestingly...

Jun 9 2010 5:12PM
UK asylum children detained - analysis

In case you'd like to read more about the state of asylum-seeking children detained in the UK, there has been a flurry of articles and information on the Guardian website about this issue: An article about the UK Border Agency's plans...

Jun 9 2010 4:49PM
Asylum-seeking children in UK detention centres

Copied below is a briefing paper from the Royal College of General Practitioners, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Royal College of Psychiatrists and the UK Faculty of Public Health. I have highlighted some of the main...

Jun 7 2010 6:40PM
The UN's Violence against Children Study - News from CRIN

Our friends at CRIN (the Child Rights Information Network ) have launched a new website as a follow-up to the UN Secretary-General's 2006 Study on Violence Against Children . They have sent out a communication on the background and the...

May 11 2010 7:27PM
Omar Khadr's torture in Guantánamo

Tom Parker (Amnesty USA) is currently at Guantánamo to observe the military commissions proceedings against detainee Omar Khadr, who was only 16 when first detained there. His blog details interrogation techniques used on Omar Khadr...

May 11 2010 7:23PM
FGM and maternal health in Sierra Leone AIUK must join fight in Africa

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) reports that parliamentarians from all over Africa are pushing for a continent-wide ban on female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and are calling on the UN to pass a General...

May 6 2010 10:02PM
AIUK AGM 2010: Unanimous 'yes' for childrens rights work at IS - and now?

Well, it’s been a while since the last post, but what a fitting day – the day of the General Election – to write about Amnesty UK’s AGM, held at Warwick University in early April. I started writing this children’s human rights blog...

Apr 8 2010 9:17PM
Urgent Action - stop SA World Cup roundups of street children

From our friends at Casa Allianza Nicaragua, who led a team to the first ever Deloitte Street Children World Cup : PLEASE HELP: STREET KIDS ROUNDED UP BY POLICE IN SOUTHAFRICA I’m sure you will have read our recent reports about the...

Apr 7 2010 9:17AM
Committee on Rights of the Child - May/June session

Committee on the Rights of the Child. State reports from Argentina, Belgium, FYR Macedonia, Grenada, Guatemala, Japan, Nigeria and Tunisia will be reviewed at the meeting of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, 54th session (25...

Apr 7 2010 9:07AM
News in Brief

Hi all, Here are some useful child rights links, from our good friend in Health Rights at the IS. Thanks Jim! Newsletters . This World Vision newsletter has a number of items on children that you might find of interest. http://links...

Apr 7 2010 9:02AM
East End Film Festival: The Lonely Pack

East End Film Festival: Lonely Pack + shorts Date: Sun 25 April 2010 Eleven-year-old Sonu lives on the streets of Katmandu, part of a boisterous pack of street children fighting to survive in the chaotic capital of Nepal. Always on the...
