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Amnesty International UK
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Mar 11 2010 8:37PM
(First ever!) Street Children World Cup, Durban, March 2010

Well, it's all been a bit quiet from me lately, but spring is in the air and there's something really exciting happening in March! As many of you will know, South Africa is gearing up to host the FIFA World Cup 2010. Now, I don't...

Feb 14 2010 12:24PM
Maternal mortality: a children's rights issue?

I was flicking through a copy of the New Internationalist when I came across a 'country profile' of Sierra Leone. Amnesty's Demand Dignity campaign is active on the issue of maternal mortality in the west African country, home to 5.6...

Feb 3 2010 10:17PM
Children in Haiti need protection from irregular adoption

In the wake of the massive humanitarian disaster in Haiti, Amnesty international have issued a statement reminding the relief effort to keep human rights at the core of aid delivery and redevelopment. The death toll has already reached...

Jan 23 2010 1:06AM
Dispatches: Slumdog Children of Mumbai

The Amnesty children's human rights network have always beeninterest in fighting for the human rights of vulnerable streetchildren. Our children's rights advisor, David Maidment, founded The Railway Children , a charity that is...

Jan 8 2010 2:47PM
Children and War: Red Hand Day 12 Feb

How children respond to war and violence is interesting and worth our attention. Article 38 and 39 in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) deal with 'children in armed conflict'. Article 39 declares that: States Parties...

Dec 23 2009 6:05PM
Detained Nepalese child soldiers - promises, promises...

On 16 December the United Nations, the Nepalese Government and Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (UCPN-M) signed a plan which hopes to release 3,000 child soldiers who served in the Maoist army during the country’s decade-long...

Dec 20 2009 2:30PM
Shocking cruelty to toddler in Brazil

This is one of the most shocking thing I have seen in a long time: Reuters: Brazil needle victim recovers, outrage at cruelty This is an inhuman way to torture a 2 year-old . Please share this story and have a look at the 'witch...

Dec 18 2009 6:30PM
The Child Madonna & The Unheard Truth

It’s that time of year: nativity costumes, little angels playing Joseph and Mary, and (of course) ’tis also the season of giving and receiving. In my house my nearest and dearest invariably get books, and so I have some firm gift...

Dec 17 2009 11:34AM
Children on children's rights video

A little bit of light entertainment for you here, with this YouTube video filmed in a Danish school of children talking about children's rights. It's extremely touching and very funny. It was shown at the Amnesty International Children...

Dec 4 2009 1:31PM
Haiti's slave children - BBC audio slideshow

BBC Radio 4's Today Programme have published an audio slideshow about child slavery in Haiti, which you can see here . The report explains, with a series of photographs, how children in poverty come to be taken into slavery within the...

Nov 24 2009 11:53PM
Somalia to ratify to children's rights Convention (CRC)

Somalia has announced it plans to ratify a global treaty aimed atprotecting children, leaving the United States as the only countryoutside the pact, UNICEF said on Friday. The 20th of November 2009 was the 20th anniversary of the...

Nov 17 2009 3:31AM
IDS Bulletin special on children free online

Just thought I'd share this – it is the January 2009 issue of the Institute for Development Studies Bulletin online and all content is free to view (great for those of us without access through university libraries, etc). I think it's...

Nov 16 2009 10:32AM
URGENT! Justice for street children petition

Please sign this when you have a minute: The petition is run by our colleagues at the Consortium for Street Children and focuses on violence against street children, in particular the...

Oct 24 2009 2:21PM
The Goldstone Report - Israel, Gaza, and children

I was flicking through my copy of the Amnesty International Report 2009: The State of the World's Human Rights (it is very helpful; get your copy here ), and I started reading the entry for Israel and the OPT. If you have signed up to...

Oct 13 2009 8:16PM
Persecution of 'witch' children spreading, UN seminar concludes

The term 'witch hunt' conjures up images of an almost fabled and obsolete medieval practice, but it has long been clear that in many parts of the world such superstition and ritual abuse is still commonplace. Some of you may have seen...

Oct 13 2009 7:23PM
Count Every Child - why birth registration matters so much

On November 16, Plan International are hosting a one-day conference focusing on the necessity on registering children at birth. Read more here:…...

Sep 30 2009 2:49AM
USA: 2,500 children serving Life Without Parole (LWOP)

The USA is one of the more high-profile countries that still practices capital punishment. What is much less known, however, is their practice of sentencing minors to life without parole (LWOP). I haven't quite yet worked out how to...

Sep 29 2009 8:30PM
The death penalty and children

A busy summer and were back into things for the autumn. Of course, a very special autumn it is, because in November we'll be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child! Hurrah! It is because of this...

Jun 18 2009 6:39PM
AIUK Children's HR Network Committee

As several members of the CHRN Committee find difficulty getting to meetings, especially those some distance from London, I thought it would be helpful if we used the blog system to input ideas and make comments. It allows other...

Jun 18 2009 4:35PM
UN Concern over the Haiti 'Restavek' System

The UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Gulnara Shahinian, expressed deep concern last week over the highly exploitative nature of the 'restavek' system in Haiti, which she considered to be a modern form of slavery...
