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Amnesty International UK
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Jun 18 2009 2:06PM
UN Proposed Guidelines on Alternative Care for Children

In 2004 the UN CRC Committee asked for Guidelies on state alternative care for children without parental care. These have been under drafting for a long time and have now been completed – 172 paragraphs stressing the state's...

May 27 2009 10:28PM
Amnesty toolbar - get to children's rights news instantly

I've just noticed that if you download the Amnesty toolbar (which is really easy and takes a couple of seconds), there is a drop-down menu that says 'Amnesty news', from which you can select 'Children's human rights', taking you to a...

May 27 2009 9:51PM
Spanish children's rights teaching resource

PIlar from the Spanish section has sent us the following. A great resource for Spanish-speaking children's rights activists! "I would like to share with you a new web that the Team working on Education on Human Rights has put together...

May 20 2009 2:17PM
Italy, Spain, New Zealand and UK - a global children's rights movement for AI

This year at the AGM (as you may well already know), the UK Section passed a resolution calling for the UK delegation to this year's ICM in Turkey to urge the international movement to give priority to children's rights in the 2011...

May 19 2009 10:38PM
Albania: Promises to orphans should be a serious commitment

On the eve of Albania’s Nationals Orphan’s Day on the 20th of May, Amnesty International called upon the government due to be elected in on the end of June to honour the country’s promises to improve provisions for its orphans. The...

Apr 23 2009 2:54PM
Patrick Okoroafor 14 year campaign - the power of 14!

Need an excuse to get friendly with a famous number 14 footballer? Have a classroom full of fourteen year-olds who might be interested? Here's some info from the IS on the Patrick Okoroafor campaign. On 29 May 2009 Patrick Okoroafor...

Apr 16 2009 1:54PM
AIUK AGM Resolution on Children's Rights

The 2009 AIUK AGM passed unanimously a resolution calling for the UK delegation to this year's ICM in Turkey to urge the international movement to give priority to children's rights in the 2011-2016 Integrated Strategic Plan. It also...

Apr 6 2009 7:23PM
My first Amnesty AGM, and AIUK will be doin' it for the kids.

I am most thankful that I can start writing away on this brand new blog about something so positive! 'Tis the huge success for children's rights at the Amnesty Conference and AGM in Swansea this weekend just gone. The resolution...

Mar 18 2009 4:19PM
Slumdog Millionaire & Railway Children - looking at fantasy through the lens of reality

After the runaway success of Slumdog Millionaire at the 2009 Academy Awards, the children’s rights issues presented by the film are more exposed than ever. We asked the Railway Children, a charity dedicated to helping street children...

Mar 17 2009 12:36PM
The Convention on the Rights of the Child the missing endorsement

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is 20 years old this year. Its aims follow from the assertion within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that childhood should be afforded special care and assistance by international...
