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Sep 7 2009 4:14PM
Theres nothing fine about Lubna Husseins charge

The court’s decision to fine Sudanese journalist Lubna Hussein for wearing trousers is disgraceful and has revealed that in spite of international outrage and attention, authorities in Sudan will continue to approve laws which so...

Aug 28 2009 11:17AM
Without a trace

No doubt most of us will be looking forward to spending time with friends and family at some stage over this weekend, especially as it’s the last bank holiday weekend of the year before Christmas. But for thousands of men, women and...

Aug 19 2009 6:44PM
Time to get tough on arms exports, Britain

The UK Government really needs to tighten its arms exports controls. That’s the message which rang out loud and clear from today’s report by the four Parliamentary Select Committees. And it’s something which Amnesty would definitely...

Aug 18 2009 6:59PM
Ice-cream seller faces 21 years in prison for being caught on camera

The media team’s been particularly busy in responding to today’s news surrounding the changing events in Afghanistan in the run up to Thursday’s elections and also the Home Office’s disclosure on the number of Tasers. Amnesty’s...

Jul 30 2009 5:23PM
Whos wearing the trousers in Sudan?  

There are some articles I have to read twice because I simply cannot believe the story, and that was most certainly the case for story in today’s Daily Mail among other news outlets of a woman in Sudan who is at risk of being flogged...

Jul 28 2009 5:43AM
The lives of women are secondary

Never an easy decision for a woman to make, but here in the UK women can rest assured in the knowledge that the option to carry out an abortion is available should her life be at serious risk as a result of the pregnancy or if she is a...

Jul 22 2009 5:11AM
Not so free on Freedom Day

Today isFreedom Day in Gambia,but for many Gambians, the irony of this public holiday leaves a bitter taste. PresidentJammeh established this national holiday soon after he was elected president in1996. Since then sadly, little has...

Jul 21 2009 10:32AM
How reassuring is the Jamaican police force?

As Nick Davis’ feature on BBC News Online reminds us, the Jamaican Constabulary Force’s motto is “ Serve, Protect and Reassure ”. This claim must be pretty hard to swallow for the thousands of people living in poorer parts of the...

Jul 15 2009 5:44AM
Lies, rumours and never any mayonnaise, says Mr Taylor  

Many of us are familiar with Disraeli ’s well-coined phrase, “lies, damned lies and statistics” but I reckon Charles Taylor brought a whole new saying to life as he took to the stand at The Hague yesterday. In his attempt to defend...

Jul 9 2009 7:12AM
Justice: 1 - War Criminals: 0  but it's not over yet

The decision taken by Jack Straw to change the law to now be able to prosecute those living in the UK and suspected of committing war crimes and acts of genocide as far back as 1991, has caused quite a stir in British media. Yesterday...

Jul 7 2009 9:11AM
Coup consequences

It’s unusual to have so many international news stories dominate the news agenda. Ongoing Uighur protests in China, President Obama making a speech in Russia and more discussion about MJ’s memorial are the hot subjects at the moment...

Jun 23 2009 6:20PM
Tsvangirais promises and cutting threats

Despite more pessimistic reports, it looks as though Morgan Tsvangirai’s other meetings during his tour to the US and Europe have so far been successful. His discussions with US President Obama and our PM Brown have certainly proved...

Jun 19 2009 4:54PM
Can Zimbabwe heal without addressing human rights abuses?

Amnesty’s head Irene Khan has just returned from Zimbabwe where she held a series of meetings with senior government figures, including Vice President Joice Mujuru, the Defence Minister and the Home Office Ministers. Although Irene...

Jun 16 2009 2:25PM
Serious questions raised about shocking Nottingham Taser incident

I doubt I wasn’t the only one shocked (pardon the pun!) by the footage revealed by Trent FM of a man in Nottingham being Tasered for a second time while already on the ground and surrounded by four police officers. According to the...

Jun 12 2009 2:13PM
The unseen majority in Kenyas capital demand dignity

Amnesty International's Secretary-General Irene Khan concludes her high-level mission to Kenya today with the launch of a new report outlining the rights abuses faced by those living in Kenya's slums and informal settlements. The...

Jun 9 2009 5:30PM
In Shelling out has the oil giant shirked responsibility?

Controversy and debate continues to surround Shell’s decision to pay out $15.5 million in compensation to the families of Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight others who were either hanged or maimed in 1995. According to BBC News, the lawyers are...

Jun 3 2009 3:59PM
The morning after

Actually now it’s the afternoon after the morning after the night before which was Amnesty International’s Media Awards ceremony. And what a lovely evening it was! Held at a beautiful central London location overlooking the Thames on...

May 28 2009 11:34AM
Leaders ignore human rights abuses during recession at world's peril

Plans are afoot at Amnesty’s Human Rights Action Centre to mark its 48th birthday. The air is abuzz with chatter of who’ll be DJ-ing at this evening’s party, what to wear and for some, where the party is going to be held (okay, so that...

May 20 2009 3:59PM
Flag-flying, missing doctors and arms through the backdoor.  Sri Lanka today

Four days on and the Sri Lankan government is still proclaiming their victory over their 26-year battle with the Tamil Tigers. According to BBC News, today they’ve declared a victory holiday , where the national flag should be flown...

Apr 30 2009 5:19PM
fighting in Pakistan puts people in country at risk

Chaos would be one word to describe the situation in Pakistan at the moment. More than 65,000 people in the country’s North West Frontier Province have been caught up in the fighting between the Taleban and Pakistan’s government forces...
