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Apr 24 2009 3:02PM
Time for the Pakistani government to stop fiddling

Heavy claims have been laid at the feet of the Pakistani government over the past few days as the Taleban have increased their hold on towns across the country. Senator Hilary Clinton described the Pakistan government as ‘ abdicating...

Apr 9 2009 4:02PM
Should genocide suspects be allowed to avoid trial?

Yesterday’s decision taken by the High Court not to extradite four men suspected of involvement in the Rwandan genocide may have been an historic step, but it is deeply unsatisfactory. The High Court was quite right to insist that...

Apr 7 2009 4:58PM
The g-word

When Niluccio used the term ‘the g-word’ in our morning roundup today, I quickly whispered to another colleague, asking what he meant. Genocide. Yes, a word with serious charges and devastating consequences – definitely not a term to...

Mar 26 2009 1:01PM
Bashir footloose while thousands perish in Darfur

It’s not even been a month and yet President Omar El-Bashir is blatantly defying the international arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court. In the space of a few days the President of Sudan has visited Egypt and Eritrea, and...

Mar 18 2009 4:23PM
A witch-hunt in the truest sense of the word

It's not everyday that we here in the Amnesty press office come across bizarre stories, but today is definitely one of those days. As highlighted on BBC News Online today, we've discovered that there is a witch-hunt in Gambia, which is...

Mar 6 2009 11:58AM
Hidden fact. One in 10 women face violence every year

This Sunday marks International Women’s Day. I know 8 March isn’t a date which many mark off on their calendar, and I doubt Clinton Cards will be selling cards celebrating Women’s Day. But this anniversary definitely deserves greater...

Mar 4 2009 3:15PM
No-ones above the law.  Not even you, Mr President.

Momentous news from The International Criminal Court today. For the first time a sitting head of state has been issued with an international arrest warrant . But how long it will take before the President of Sudan is arrested is quite...

Mar 2 2009 5:10PM
It's not really about heavy luggage, Rev.

I was reminded this morning by Rev. Joel Edwards on the Today programme’s Thought for the Day that this week marks the run up to International Women's Day which is on Sunday 8 March. It was interesting listening to Rev. Edward’s...

Feb 26 2009 3:16PM
Kenya police's 'death squads' exposed

There are particularly concerning reports emerging today of the Kenyan army being accused of torture and murder of civilians. The UN Special Rapporteur on Extra-Judicial Executions’s report also revealed that Kenyan police chief has...

Feb 25 2009 6:22PM
score one for international justice

I had started off the day intending to flag up the humanitarian appeal launched by Archbishops of Canterbury and York for Zimbabwe. But news coming through this afternoon about three Sierra Leone rebel commanders who were found guilty...

Feb 9 2009 12:59PM
Madagascar: no escape from turmoil

Before the hugely popular films featuring Alex the Lion and Gloria the Hippo, for many Madagscar was known as a place where sugar comes from. Despite the growing interest in eco-tourism and the popularity of the Disney animations...

Feb 3 2009 2:20PM
Is there now a glimmer of a silver lining around Zimbabwe?

Now that the power-sharing deal between President Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai has finally been agreed, perhaps the people of Zimbabwe can hope for a brighter future? From where I’m standing for millions of Zimbabweans the...

Jan 26 2009 3:49PM
Lubanga in the docks

"They cannot forget the beatings they suffered, they cannot forget the terror they felt and the terror they inflicted. They cannot forget the sounds of the machine guns, they cannot forget that they killed. They cannot forget that they...

Jan 12 2009 12:26PM
'Hanging wont stop nothing. You check?

So said Bugie, a gang member from St Kitts according to an article in Saturday’s Daily Mail. Well Bugie, you and I may well disagree on several matters but on this one we’re in agreement. I check! The Daily Mail’s three-page feature on...

Jan 7 2009 5:40PM
In other news...

While the media spotlight beams on the Israel-Gaza conflict, there is a danger of other human rights and humanitarian crises elsewhere in the world being overlooked. And for many people living in Zimbabwe the situation remains...

Dec 23 2008 1:38PM
They may know its Christmas, but do they have much to celebrate?

Today is my last day in the office for 2008 and it’s eerily quiet. The phones have rung only once all morning, and it’s pretty obvious that much of the media has packed up for the Christmas break. But as the wheels of politics and...

Dec 16 2008 4:42PM
Dont tase me bro!

The One Shows special feature on the use of Tasers in the UK kickstarted a lively discussion both online and in the studio. Bette Midler thinks that theyre terrible and doesnt think that British police officers should be carrying them...

Dec 8 2008 6:55PM
Theres always one

Ever been to a party where one guest is determined to pour cold water on the fun and frolics? Well the Daily Mail has certainly sought to do that by attacking the Human Rights Act – on the week the world gears up to celebrate the 60th...

Dec 1 2008 5:28PM
Can things get much worse for the people of Zimbabwe?

Clearly 2008 has not been a good year for the people of Zimbabwe. Intense hunger for millions, instability, violence and serious human rights abuses have ravaged much of the country this year. And now with an outbreak of cholera...

Nov 27 2008 2:26PM
another broken ceasefire brings more instability

The Mumbai attacks and Thailand’s state of emergency on its airports are definitely the stories catching today’s media glare. Meanwhile, life for thousands of people in eastern Congo remains turbulent, volatile and pretty desperate...
